4. Confession

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"Tsuki I need to tell you something..."

Said name looked up to see Yamaguchi with a very red face and sweat coming from his forehead.

Yamaguchi looked down at the floor thinking of the words to say, before taking a deep breath.

"I-I understand completely if you don't wanna be friends with me anymore, or hate me. I deserve it after all but I ummm-" Yamaguchi said before being interrupted.

"What could you do to make me hate you?" Tsukishima asked causing Yamaguchi to look up.

His face turned redder and he stuttered. "I-I!!! Uhhh..I mean I c-could...t-this..!" He said looking for words. Once again he took a deep breath.

"I know I say this a lot, but you really are cool! And I really love how confident you are and how good you are at volleyball! Your really strong and you don't let anything bother you! You don't care what anyone thinks and always say what you believe. Your just so amazing and I...I..." Yamaguchi said with a bright reds face filled with blush. He struggled to finish his sentence fearing what Tsukishima would think of him. Of what he could do to ruin the relationship they built so long ago.

"That's not true!!" Tsuki said suddenly bring Yamaguchi back in reality. Yamaguchi looked up a bit confused at what Tsuki said. When he looked up at the taller blonde he was looking away from the short freckled boy and closed his eyes. His cheeks were pink and he looked like he was struggling to speak. This time, the tall blonde took a deep breath before speaking.

"I don't say...everything...that's on my mind. And I do care what some people think of me. What...this person thinks of me. Because that person is so much to me. And the thought of them hating me...scares me. I love that person. Their such a kind person and although they don't say much, you can tell just how perfect they are. Their so adorable and shy, but it makes them even cuter. And that person's name..." he said pausing.

Yamaguchi looked at him again, and his cheeks were covered in pink. Tsukishima raised his arms and grabbed Yamaguchi's head softly.

"Is Yamaguchi Tadashi." He said softly smiling at the shorter male.

Yamaguchi's heart skipped a beat. 'No way. T-that's!!!' Yamaguchi thought not believing Tsuki.

"W-W-What...?" Yamaguchi asked not fully understanding.

Tsukishima chuckled at the smaller boy and softly pulled him into a hug.
"Yamaguchi Tadashi is the person I love." He said smiling.

Yamaguchi still in shock didn't hug back, but wasn't pushing away either.

"Y-you...love me...?" Yamaguchi asked his face as red as a tomato as a tear fell.

"Yes Tadashi. How could I not? Your so amazing. Your kind, beautiful, cute, and just perfect. I love you so much. I loved you so much I didn't want to admit it. I didn't want to admit cause I thought I would lose you. I didn't want to lose you. I don't want to lose you. Ever. I was so upset when you started crying. I actually chased after you, but guess you didn't notice since you were so upset. Why were you upset? Why were you crying?" Tsuki asked pulling away to look Yamaguchi in the face.

Yamaguchi sighed looking away.
"I-...I was scared."

Tsuki looked at him with concern placing his hands on Yamaguchi's hips.

"Of...losing you.." he said half laughing at how stupid he was being. "I thought, hey he doesn't actually care about you. He's just pretending to be your friend. He doesn't care, let alone even like you. How could he love someone like me. I'm just...a stupid bo-" he started before being interrupted.

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