Sixteen: Back in Seoul (Happy 900 Reads!)

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Omg, 900 reads?! Kamsahamida everyone. 100 more to 1k~ -jjangpanda

enjoy the pic at media! (i know i post too much kai or exo related pics so here- enjoy eunji ~)

Sixteen: Back in Seoul


The flight back to Seoul was terribly long. Sitting on the First Class seat, I stretched my leg to do some stretching after sitting at the same position for two hours straight.

"Miss, would you like a drink?" The pretty air stewardess asked politely, "Wine? Or non alcoholic drinks?"

"I'll settle for an orange juice, thanks. " I replied, smiling.

Florida Natural Orange Juice was up to my disappointment. Too sour and yucky. That was sure a total flop and I'm sticking on to Sunkist.

Stillness and baby cries filled the atmosphere. The baby at Economy Class was crying her lungs out. Within minutes, her willpower decreased and thankfully, she calmed down. I guess I should spend the remaining hours sleeping... zzzz...


"Someone call the doctor.... " Overdose was being played on the music player.

Yet another day has passed without Hyejin. Emptiness and loneliness filled my entire self. I forced my lifeless body to dance but I just couldn't.

"Kim Jongin YAH. What's wrong with you?" Mr Song shouted, he's the choreographer," Dance properly!!"

"Ne, seonsaengnim." I bowed.

Why can't I just dance properly?! Argh, I'm already affected by what is happening and I don't think I can continue. Hue, I better endure for the next couple of hours so that I don't need to sacrifice my weekends for practices.

"Kai~~ gwenchana? (are you okay?)" Sehun asked me with concern.

"Sorta. Where's Kyungsoo anyway?" I asked.

"Dayum. You forgot? He's shooting his movie 'Cart'." Sehun shot a pissed off look.

"Oh yeah right...."I answered.

Suddenly, my phone rang.

"Yeobuseyo?" I called.

"Kai....?" The voice sounded.

That voice. It's too familiar.... wait, is that Hyejin?!

"Hyejin-ah!! Is that you?" I exclaimed. Sehun was giving me a what-in-the-world-are-you-talking-about look.

"I'm outside the SM building. Can I enter?" She asked.

"Sure!!!" I squealed with a burst of excitement.

I asked Mr Song for permission to leave and he agreed. Choi Hyejin, you came back for me?

I nervously walked to the entrance of the glass door.

As the automatic translucent tinted glass door opened, it revealed a familiar figure that is no other than the person I longed to meet.


I dragged her inside the building and put her into my warm embrace.

"Oppa... mianhae... " Her warm tears flowed down from her eyes.

"Ani, it's partly my fault too.." I hugged her even more tightly.

She apologized to me saying that she didn't mean to leave without saying goodbye. She added that she met Miyoung and Yeonsoo

Those Little Faults (EXO & Jung Eunji)Where stories live. Discover now