Chapter 2 (Part 2)

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It turned out my oasis hypothesis was right. Even from an hour's distance out, because of how high we were, we clearly saw the greenery contrasting the desert's yellowish hue. As Hargen flew closer toward the village, I checked the sun's position. It was a little past noon, so his shadow should've been behind us a bit, but almost directly below.

"Hargen, take a slight detour south. We don't want your shadow to be seen by anyone since there aren't any clouds nearby."

"A fine point," he nodded, tilting to the left.

It took a little longer to pass over the village, but it significantly decreased the odds of us being seen. Once I felt we were far enough away, I had Hargen get down low and fly around to the north. It would be strange if we came in from anywhere else as there was only one road leading to the village, if one could even call it a road.

With the surrounding landscape clear, Hargen touched down. Felt and I hopped down while Liliana glided off. There was still about half an hour's walk to Tylarnee from where we landed.

"We still have one thing to settle," I pursed my lips, looking to Hargen.

His eyes searched mine for only a moment until he understood what I meant.


"Come on, we can't exactly go walking into a village with a whole red dragon in tow," I sighed.

"I would much rather rest in the open desert than go through a transformation again. It was the same feeling as when you released my form to save you," he huffed.

No one could blame him. I recalled how much pain he looked like he was in during the morphing. Still, if we really were on the mark there was no telling what dangers lurked around the village.

"I understand, but if we're right and Visilius is somewhere around this region, then you might become a target. We can't help you if you're in the middle of nowhere by yourself," I pointed out.

He still didn't look convinced.

"Think about it. You'll get to experience some interesting food, and won't be a target for a powerful lich that could very well overpower you."

"'Twould be fine, I am a dra-"

"I know you're a dragon, but you're only six years old. Visilius is several hundred at the least. Swallow your pride a little, please?"

He sighed deeply, then exhaled heavily. Felt and Liliana stepped out of the way, leaving only me to get blasted by the hot sand.

"Look, if there's anything you want, I'll get it for you. I promise to refine the spell more so you don't experience any pain."

If he didn't accept, I really didn't have much else to offer to convince him.

"If I wished for the finest foods in the village?" he raised one of his scaly brows curiously.

It was obvious he was hinting at the fact that I had no coin to purchase anything. Even if I did, there was no telling how much a peri silver or gold was worth here.

"You'll get it," I stated confidently.

The only way I knew how to get something with surefire accuracy was using magic I kept telling myself I wouldn't use. There was little chance simply village folk would be willing to part with food without payment.

This is for Hargen's sake, I told myself.

There wasn't any other way to look at it. Hargen saw the sternness in my eyes and huffed again, lowering himself to the ground in acceptance.

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