Part 16

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• "Kook, wake up." You open the door to Jungkook's room, well originally your guest room but now his room.

• "Jungkook...." you walk towards his bed well originally stop on that. You remove the covers and widen your eyes when there's no Jungkook but many pillows lumped together to make it seem like a body underneath the covers. You look out of the open window thinking he probably ran out.

• "What the?"You yelp when something snakes around your waist.

• You turn your head to your head to see Jungkook resting his head on your shoulder.

• HE'S BACKHUGGING YOU!! You nervously laugh. "You scared me."

• He sighs. His breath on your neck, "You thought that I'd leave you?" You shake your head. "I just-..I-..we're late for school." You try to push his arms away only to be tightened.

• "Just a few more minutes." He continues to hug you. On the other hand, you probably become a boiled potato.

• Why was he suddenly so engrossed with skinship? Not that you complain about that.

• "Let's go now. You don't wanna be late for your second day, do you?" You chuckle as he let you go. When you turn around to meet his face, you want to deliver your UWU buttons infinitely. He pouts, crossing his arms.

• "You better treat me lunch today." He whines and you smile, "sure. It'll be reward for your obedience." You ruffle his hair unconsciously.

• He grabs your wrist and leans close to your face, "I'm not a kid to be treated like that." He smirks seeing your flustered expression. You pull your hand back from his grasp.

• "Let's go now." You escape from his eyes. Entering the kitchen, you make yourself and Jungkook a simple breakfast.

• "Breakfast's ready, kook!" You yell while putting the eggs on the plate.

• "I can see that." His voice breaths in your ear and you flinch before turning back towards him. "You need to stop appearing out of nowhere." You smack his chest and he fakes a pained expression.

• "You hurt my big heart." He smiles and you roll your eyes looking at his cheek. Your hand reaches out to the scar he has on his cheek.

• "How did you have this? I've always wanted to know." Your hand traces the scar.

• "When I was a child I was training with my father and I fell on the ground. The twig on the ground pierced through my cheek and this is the result." He chuckles. You nod in utter confusion and you decide to ask him.

• "Training? For what?" You tilt your head, your eyes still on the scar.

• "Oh, we haven't told you I guess. But there are groups of werewolves divided and called as packs." He explains and you nod again until a gasp leaves your mouth, "Packs like Exo?"

• You involuntarily let that out and you don't unnoticed the change in expression on Jungkook's face."Exo. Where did you hear that?" His voice sounds serious and husky. He leans close when you stay silent, "Y/n, answer me." His voice threatening.

• "I-I heard that in the school. People were talking about them." You answer him nolachantly.

• He sighs knowing that you're lying but nevertheless he doesn't wanna press you to open up.

• "Can you like... erm... scoot away?" You say when you see that your body is almost colliding against his.

• "Why? Got a problem with me?" He smiles cheekily. You shake your head. "I need to prepare the breakfast so.."

• He leans towards you ear to whisper, "I don't need breakfast if you're here. But as you say so." He lets out a breath that tickles your ear and lean back. He walks to the dining table and you exhale a huge amount of carbon dioxide.

• "Here you go." You place the plate in front of him after some minutes.

• You both eat and head towards the school together and as usual, his hands intertwined with yours.

• You take a glance at him here and again. Wondering how much clingy he's becoming, you smile at your intertwined hands.

• "Jungkook..." he hums at your call. "What is your pack called?" You ask him and a small smile appears on his lips. "Bangtan."

• You nod your head at that. He stops and turns to you. "Not my pack, our pack."

• You're taken back at that. "I turned you into a werewolf so you belong to our pack which is also your family now." He continues.

• "How many members are there in a pack?" You ask him, continuing your walk with him.

• "Depends. Ours have over 100 members I guess. It's not too big not too small." He explains.

• "Just like in the books, you don't age?" You question him and he laughs, "those are just myths. Of course we age and die in old age. Or else, don't you think that there'd be more werewolves than humans in this world?"

• You laugh along with him. Arriving the school, the girls check Jungook out. You roll your eyes at that. Can they not? Thirsty hoes.

• "See you at the lunch." You wave at him before going towards your class. "Well, I have a surprise for you later." You hear Jungkook.

• You step inside your class. As soon as you take your seat, Doha comes towards you.

• "So, did you think over my help?" She smiles at you. Fake smile, of course.

• "Yeah, I did." Her eyes lit up on your remark. And you continue, "But I'm afraid i can't help."

• She opens her mouth to say something until the teacher enters the classroom and she rushes to her seat.

• A familiar scent reaches your nose, you raise your head to see Jungkook standing in front of the class. Your jaw drops at that.

• He smiles at your direction but the other girls think that he's smiling over them and they squeal like maniac.

• "Silence!! Students, this is Jeon Jungkook. Today's his second day in this school. He moved to this class from another class. Treat him well, got it?" The teacher explains and the students about in approval.

• The teacher motions him to take a seat and he sits on the seat to you right. The girls glare at you and you smirk at them.

• The lessons continue throughout the day with you and Jungkook laughing and messing up with each other. And to add background effects, girls in the room whine when Jungkook doesn't respond to them.

• "I'll be back. I need to go to washroom." He leaves the room and you take your phone out to play some games to kill time.

• A message pops up and you hesitantly click the icon, it's from an unknown number.

• You shove your phone inside your pocket. Groaning you lay your head on the desk.
• You don't know what to do now.

• "Let's go to cafeteria." Jungkook walks to you and you smile at him raising your head. "Sure"

• However your encounter with someone plays over your mind.

Flashback (2 months ago)

• You ran towards the woods. It's lunch break. Controlling your wolf was becoming hard. You wanted to run away from everyone. Especially Jungkook.

• Suddenly you're pushed with hard force causing your wolf form to growl, landing on your back. You looked up to see a black and grey wolf looking at you.

• You got up thinking it was just a mistake. But he charged himself at you. Your anger getting the best of you, you jumped back at him. And you couldn't even remember what happened next.

• When you came back to your senses, there was the same wolf from before. There was just a difference. You ran away.

• "He's dead."

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