Part 17

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[ ] Flashback [Few days ago]

• 'Oh! The mark's still there, huh?' He licks your neck and you step back before growling at him.

• 'Do you want your tongue cut off?'

• 'Well, the one who's in danger is not me. But you definitely.' You stare at him, uninterested.

• 'Who are you? And wait, why am I bothering to talk with you?' You twirl around to walk away but he jumps right in front of you.

• 'If you think that you're gonna get away like that after killing him, then you're really wrong, girl.' The wolf takes threatening steps towards you.

• Your heart starts to beat rapidly, trying to forget about the day when that body of the lifeless wolf laid on the grass.

• 'Who are you talking about? Him? I don't know anyone. Let alone I haven't killed anyone.' You feel the stare of the wolf at you, if it was in human form you could have seen him smirk.

• 'Well, let me enlighten you. Luhan, from Exo pack, found dead in the woods in xxx city with your blood scent on him.'

• Your heart thumps in your chest. That address was where you stayed and that day, the wolf he's talking about. 'No, it can't be.'

• You try to convince yourself. The wolf tilt its head 'Just remember, we'll come back to you. You're not gonna get away so easily after killing my pack's member.'

• You freeze on your spot as you watch him run into the woods, away from your sight.

• This was another reason why you moved to this city. You didn't want to be caught by them

[ ] Present

• You get up from your bed. Getting ready, you walk to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, you take the juice out.

• You chuckle when Jungkook's arms snake around your waist. "Good morning." He whispers, resting his head on your shoulder.

• "Morning." You walk to the dining table as Jungkook lazily follows you, still clinging to you. You poke his cheeks, his eyes open looking at you.

• "Still sleepy?" You say to him and he hums snuggling his face on the crook of your neck.

• "It tickles." You laugh and try to escape his grip which only tightens on your attempt.

• "Not gonna let go." He mumbles and stays on his position. You sigh and take the fruits to cut them. "What do you wanna eat?"

• He opens his eyes and stares at those fruits. "I'm on a diet." You lightly slap his cheek. Both of you continue to tease each other.

[ ] Timeskip

• "Why did you even move to this class?" You question Jungkook as you place your head on the desk, looking at him. He shrugs and lays his head on the desk facing you.

• "Do you have any problem with that?"He asks and you shake your head. You do have problem because Doha always tries to approach him and you hate it.

• "Then?" He scoots his chair close to yours. The period was leisure and the students are just gossiping with each other. The eyes of most of the girls on both of your actions.

• "I was just wondering how you got here since you were assigned to be in another class" he chuckles at your thoughts.

• "Well maybe because my father runs this school?" When he lets those words out you eyes widen, "WHAT!!" That brings the attention of the whole class and you apologise for being that loud.

Werewolf- Jeon Jungkook ✅CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now