[1]The number 死.

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Fukazawa Shi.

Doesn't Shi mean death? Who would name their child that? I mean.. It kind of suits her.

Kenma cleared his thoughts after the aura of a certain girl became stronger. He wouldn't want to be involved with her, but she seemed really interesting.

"Fu-fukazawa-san, d-do you have an extra pen?" The boy in front of Kenma asked. Being more frightened by the empty stare of Fukazawa before giving a pen as an answer. "T-Thank you, Fukuzawa-san."

Being fairly small, built with a good figure, and having a pretty face, has its perks. But a strong personality changes it all. An innocent face doesn't really match with an anxiety-inducing energy, right?

As the bell ringed for lunchtime, the students left the room one by one. Leaving Fukazawa and Kenma in the room. Kuroo was already leaning on the door frame waiting for his best friend who seemed to be cautious for whatever reason.

The black-haired boy smiled at Fukazawa as she left the room. Only glancing menacingly at first,the girl smiled back and made her own way out.

The two boys started walking to the cafeteria. Everything was just automatic. Kenma just followed without even saying a thing.

"Oi, Kenmaaa!" Kuroo smirked trying to get Kenma's attention. His eyes were still glued onto this PSP screen as they walk. Nothing's really different though.

"So, who's that girl across your seat?" Kuroo asked. It didn't seem like joke, it was a genuine question. Kenma looked up surprised, and responded with a "Why?"

"Well, you were staring at her a while ago." Kuroo gave out a little laugh. Our boy is up to something, eh?  He said to himself.

"Huh? We're not even in the same class." Kenma's brows curled up in confusion while Kuroo was still smirking.

"Yeah, I know. And you ask too many questions. Who's the girl?" It sounded kind of threatening in Kenma's perspective. He's not really that mentally strong to begin with.

"Her name's Fukazawa Shi." Kenma quickly gave out an answer in hopes that Kuroo would now shut up. Well guess he's wrong.

"You like her?" Kuroo brought his face lower to Kenma's level in order to tease him more. Kenma's cheeks turned into a faint shade of pink. "N-no. She actually kind of scares me." Kuroo laughed at his embarrassed response.

"She does look like she could cut you off.. but in a cute way." The taller boy said as he went back to his original position. I think we found the one. Kuroo thought to himself.

As the day slowly goes by, it was time for club activities. It was already the second break for Nekoma's volleyball team. Kenma didn't see Kuroo around so he decided to head to the vending machine on his own. He couldn't decide if he would get apple juice or Pocari. Puffing his cheeks, he dropped 100 yen and ended up going for the apple juice instead.

Is that Kuroo talking to a girl? He lazily sipped on his apple juice trying to get a clearer glance at who Kuroo was talking too. It's pretty normal when Kuroo talks to girls, but being the curious cat he is, he wanted to know without asking questions. So he'll just see for himself.

The two were across the building but it was noticeable who they were.

It was Kuroo and Fukazawa-san.

 Curious Cat!!「Kenma Kozume x OC」Where stories live. Discover now