[2]Instant ラーメン 「ramen」

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Maybe he's hitting on her? I don't know. He's Kuroo after all.. If I were that confident I would do that too. They seem like they're having fun--wait! Why do I even care? I don't even know her. In fact, I've never even had her in front of me.

Kenma threw his empty apple juice carton in the trash forgetting what was on his mind a few moments ago.

He walked back to the gym like nothing happened. The boy believed 'it was normal' and carried on.

He cared about his space the most. Especially with Kuroo who's somehow a bit of a troublemaker. Kenma would never be involved with something risky. Or maybe, he just says that to himself

"Hey, Kenma-san! Please toss for me!" His foot was just getting into the gym when Lev startled him. It's not like it doesn't happen everyday, Kenma just never really gets used to it.

"Ask Demon-senpai." The pudding-haired boy responded.

"Demon-senpai?" Lev's eyebrows met in confusion. Kenma just looked at Yaku, signaling who it is. In realization, Lev let out an 'ohhh' and ran up to Yaku hoping he wouldn't get an angry outburst for the 2nd time today.

"Oh boy, what trouble will he get into now?" Kenma said mentally slapping his face.

"Demon-senpai! Toss-"


Lev knew he did something wrong. He fell down on the floor, kicked once again by the mighty Yaku-senpai.

"W-WHAT IN THE DAMN WORLD DID YOU JUST CALL ME, IDIOT?!" It was inaudible and scary. Lev felt like his soul went out of his body on the spot. He's small AND scary.

"Well, Yaku! You do look like a demon when you're angry! Ahaha! Demon-senpai!" Yamamoto pointed out causing the team to laugh.

'he honestly looks like an angry chipmunk.' Lev couldn't help but think.

"Kenma-san said it first!" The tall boy pouted, trying his best to explain with his butt still on the floor. "You're actually that dumb to repeat what I said."

Kenma walked away from the scene to begin setting, as the laughter faded and the practice continued till 5.
On the way home, Kuroo noticed that something was wrong. Kenma wasn't on his phone or whatever. He was plainly staring at anything that comes his way. Much like an observant cat. "Something on your mind?" Kuroo asked but there was no response. "Are you like a philosopher now or something?" Kuroo laughed out but there was still no answer.

"Eh!" Kuroo poked Kenma's side which made him jump. He finally got his attention and bursted out in laughter. Kenma rubbed his side and kept on walking. "You know I'm your best friend right? You can tell me anything." Kuroo can be a dick sometimes but in all honestly he's someone who genuinely cares. He's the captain of the team after all.

"I'm just really tired." Kenma quietly said with his eyes still glued to the ground.

"Oh, sorry." Kuroo shifted his gaze back to the sidewalk where they finally separate ways. "See you tomorrow then?" Kenma just nodded as a response.

The pudding-haired boy went straight to his room and collapsed on his futon mattress thinking why he was so drained today. Oh right, a shit ton of homework.

He went downstairs and ate dinner.  He grabbed a cup of instant ramen since he was to tired to do anything. His parents weren't home before midnight, but he was fine with it. As long as they provide him the essentials, there's nothing really to worry about. Kids in Japan are destined to be independent after all.

Or is that how the saying goes?

After eating, he finished his homework and plopped in his futon mattress with his controller in hand. Deciding what to play, he got lost in the endless loop of choosing and ended up settling for a random PVP game. He wasn't really in the mood to play but he does whatever to keep himself entertained. He's quite a big thinker, and to him, it's not the best trait he possesses.


Kuroo Bedhead
dont stay up too late we have morning practice
11:34 PM

Read 11:34 PM

He quickly drifted away to sleep. Working on stuff really drains the life force out of him. The night continued peacefully as usual. He doesn't really mind to see if his parents were already home. He was either asleep or gaming. He doesn't really like being distracted.

I'm having a hard time figuring out and writing conversations because I don't know how they flow naturally. Please leave a vote or maybe follow! Thank you!

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