[5]message メッセージ

545 23 5

TW!!: VERY SLIGHT mentions of abuse.

"This is where I live. Thanks for walking me home." The girl said with not much expression in her face.

"No problem! We just live a few streets away." Kuroo said.

Kenma hadn't looked up from his game ever since they started walking. Kuroo said it was normal and it happens everyday so Fukazawa didn't really mind.

The two started to walk away and exchanged goodbyes. The girl took a deep breath and opened the door.

"I-i'm home." Her voice was loud enough to be heard but there was no answer. She took off her shoes and changed into her house slippers. The girl headed into her room and plopped on her bed.


She smiled at the sight of her phone lighting up. It isn't everyday a notification pops up. The only one texting her regularly was her phone service provider.

we don't have morning practice tomorrow. Sleep well :))

thanks for the reminder. you too

She quickly got changed and slowly went down for dinner. This is the moment she hates the most. It's just so repetitive and she's sick of it.

"You came home late. You're finally doing something in your life?" Her dad didn't even bother to look up from the newspaper he was reading. He would never look at his daughter's eyes.

"I'm the manager of the volleyball team now." Fukazawa said with a hint of sadness in her voice. She forced a small smile even if her father wouldn't look up.

"That's still not worth as being in the student council." He turned the page and lit up a cigarette. Fukazawa just nodded and ate the Katsu she bought. She'd rather have him not give a shit than getting hit when he's drunk.

The weird thing was, Fukazawa and her dad would eat dinner together everyday. But they would never talk. He wouldn't even look at her for the least. It's better to have silence than to hear things that would make her feel miserable.

The old man would never care. He'd give her money but never tell her that he's proud. The last time he looked at his own daughter was when she got in the council. It wasn't even what the girl wanted, it was his ambition for her. Yet the words, "I'm proud of you." were never even heard.

After washing the dishes, she went straight to her room and turned on the TV. It was the only thing keeping her from feeling so lonely. The white noise felt like a chattering friend.


Kenma looked at Kuroo with an annoyed face.

"What?" Kuroo tried to keep his laughter in.

"Why do you hate her so much?" The two stopped walking.

"I don't hate her." Kenma quietly said.

"Then why are you avoiding her so much?" The taller boy asked.

"I-I don't know." Kenma looked down.

"Oh! I know! You like her!" Kuroo teased. Kenma felt his stomach flutter a bit. This isn't normal.

"What are you talking about? I don't."

"You do."

"I don't"


"You do."

"I don't."

"She looks like she sparks your interests." Kenma didn't bother to answer anymore. Kuroo was being annoying to him.

Honestly, she kinda.. does.

"We don't have morning practice but that doesn't mean you should stay up late again." Kuroo reprimanded.

"Tell Fukazawa-san about that." Kenma suggested.

"See. You care! Now you type it for me." Kuroo handed his phone and it was too late to argue.

we don't have morning practice tomorrow. sleep well :))

"Sleep well with a smiley face? You really do like her!" Kuroo laughed and shoved his phone back to his pocket.

"I just made it sound like it was you."  Kenma talked back which made the messy-haired boy laugh even harder.

"Ah, youth." Kuroo sighed.

He's just one year older.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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