[3]Kanji 漢

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"What now?.. What now?!" Fukazawa pulled her pen closer to her mouth in frustration and started to bite on it. Ideas were not coming into her mind this time. She felt so distracted by an offer. An offer she could only get once in her life. It wasn't even something she wants, but why is it pulling her in?

"Fukazawa-san? Are you okay?" It was a miracle that she was still being checked on by anyone despite her being unapproachable. But hey, appreciate the thought.

"Yeah." Giving out a small smile, she shifted to get another piece of paper to write notes instead.

Meanwhile, a few chairs from the back, a boy with untouched roots was spacing out. The view from the homeroom window wasn't even that impressive to look at. It's just a casual view of the school. The birds were entertaining though. It reminded him of Shouyou.

There are times that he just spends his time in the same room at lunch like everyone else does. But the thing is, he doesn't bring a bento since his parents work at odd hours and he doesn't give the time to cook. He rushed down to the cafeteria with his phone in his hand to grab lunch and eat it back in the room. It was ALMOST a daily routine but Kuroo has mastered blocking his way so they could eat together. Kenma never really complains though.

"Mmmm.. Yakisoba bread." The pudding-haired boy took a bite on his food. He left it in his mouth to continue a game he was playing. He kinda looked like an imouto with bread hanging off his mouth and all.

"Kozume-san! Someone's looking for you." He stood up still focused on his game while biting on the bread.

"Kenma-san! you wanna practice?" He looked up and it was Lev. Again.

"No, I'm eating." He looked back down to his game and walked back to his seat.

"Okay!" Lev was obviously unbothered.

The school's rooftop wasn't too quiet since people do eat there at times. But the cold-eyed girl decided to make her contemplations while watching the easing feel of Nerima city.

For Fukazawa, decision making is one of her weakest points fearing that she'll regret in the near future. It's either you regret that you've done something or regret that you didn't. In this case there's still no answer. She'd always listen to her brain and go for the most logical reasons. But for some unknown reason, there's something pulling her in.

As lunch ends, and classes resume, her mind is still wandering. The question wasn't, "What am I gonna do?" it was, "Do I wanna do it?"

"Fukazawa-san, please read this kanji for the class." Snapping back to reality, it was just a normal school day. She shouldn't really overthink about it, or maybe she should just let it be.

.. Kanji is hard.

"Hey! Fu-fukazawa-chan! It's been a while! You wanna walk with us home?" Fukazawa wasn't unpopular, in fact, she was known as last year's representative in the student's council considering her leadership skills and "GOOD" decision making. And her looks, I mean, everyone likes looks which really bothers her because of the thought that maybe people only voted her for that reason?

"Thanks but I'll pass for now. I have some stuff to take care of after school." After school? Is she really doing this? or maybe it's just an instinct.

The amount of confusion in the young girl's brain is driving her impulsive and insane. This isn't usual.

She slowly watched her friends walk away as they wave goodbye. She fidgeted with her fingers and began walking to a direction she never really goes to. Am I really doing this? Was the last thing on her mind while walking.

She took a big breath and opened the large silver doors.

"My name is Fukazawa Shi! I will be your club manager! Let's all do our best through the future!"

 Curious Cat!!「Kenma Kozume x OC」Where stories live. Discover now