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"You've finally found us a girl club manager!" Yamamoto cried to Kuroo.

Nekomata-sensei gathered everyone around Fukazawa to begin the introduction. The atmosphere was pretty cold as expected.

"Kuroo.. What the hell?" Kenma whispered to Kuroo who was just beside him.

"What?" Kuroo smirked.

"She's was class rep, so she's probably good at management. What do you expect? I know she's seems intimidating but you'll get used to it." Kenma didn't even bother to look at the girl. To him, this seems like trouble.

"Kozume-san? Right?" Kenma was shocked to see her in front of him. She was shorter than he expected. It was the first time they ever looked face to face. He noticed how pretty her eyes were, but she never smiles with it.

Kenma tried to read her face and analyze what was going on. He just ended up staring which kinda weirded the girl out, she resulted in tilting her head to see why. He just nodded and walked away.

This wasn't how he planned this day will go.

"Hey, Kuroo.. I appreciate getting us a girl manager but.. she's kinda scary." Yamamoto said while shaking.

"You too? I thought it was only Kenma." Kuroo cackled out loud like a hyena.

"You know those cute dolls with big eyes? The Dollfie ones? My sister has those and it creeps me out! I can't stand having another one that's life sized and talks!" Yamamoto trembled in fear which resulted in Kuroo to laugh harder.

"You guys are just overacting, it's a good thing you're intimidated. Hopefully.. it'll take a toll on your playing." Yaku being the mom he is, jumped into the conversation.

"Let's start with receiving drills! Gather up everyone!" Coach Naoi called as everyone gathered leaving coach Nekomata and Fukazawa on the bench.

"Good thing Kuroo convinced you to be our team's manager. I've heard a lot of good things from you last year." Coach Nekomata smiled at the young girl.

"Thank you for welcoming me here Nekomata-sensei. I promise to do my best!" Fukazawa bowed down in respect. She was still having second thoughts whether this decision was good or bad. It's only been 30 minutes since she's gone through the door so she'll let it pass for now.

"Sorry Kenma-san!" Lev missed spiking the ball again.

"No, it's my fault. Let me try again." Kenma felt so distracted. He felt like he was being watched. He looked to the side and his eyes met with a pair of very dark blue ones. He quickly shifted his gaze back to playing.

Of course she was looking! She's supposed to watch and write stuff down! I shouldn't be so distracted. Kenma thought to himself.

After a long 30 minute session, it was time for a break. Fukazawa helped out refilling and handing out the bottles.

"Thank you, Fukazawa-senpai." Lev smiled but the girl just looked at him with the inner corners of her mouth moved upward slightly and proceeded to hand out the other bottles.

"Hey, Kuroo-senpai? Doesn't she seem off?" Lev questioned.

"Not all girls are smiley and enthusiastic, Lev. This is why you can't get a girlfriend even with your height AHAHA!" The beadhead put his hand on Lev's shoulder laughing. Lev agreed on the thought that he sounds like a hyena for the most part.

"At least she's shorter than Yaku-senpa-"

"HEY!!" Yaku yelled and managed to hit the back of the tall boy's head. Lev didn't notice he was just behind him. That was pretty dumb of him.. or he's just too tall to see.

Fukazawa noticed the pressure on the boys ever since she'd walked into the gym. She still couldn't tell if it was beneficial or not. At least she wouldn't get yelled at home after this.

"Kuroo-senpa-" She got cut off by Kuroo. "Drop the honorifics." She paused and continued talking.

"Is everything alright?" She wasn't really worried about anyone. It's just her job to know.

"Yeah. They're just not used to it yet. But it's all fine. They're really nice, I swear!" The girl assumed that they were still not used to her. No one really does though. Even her 'friends' were still uncomfortable. It explains why she walks home alone everyday. But it was fine with her. She was the one who's used to it.

"A-are you fine with me?" She didn't really get why she stuttered.

"Of course! I'm the one who striked up the conversation first anyways. So why wouldn't I?" The reassurance made the girl smile slightly.

"Thank you, Kuroo." She was a human being too. Those simple words made her heart feel something. It felt like she had a friend.

Everyone got changed and was ready to head home. Kuroo and Kenma were about to step out of the school's gate when they saw Fukazawa in the same direction.

"Fukazawa-chan!" The black haired girl turned around to see Kuroo waving. Kenma looked up from his game and elbowed Kuroo.

"You really called me 'chan' on the first day, huh?" The shorter girl said sarcastically and let out a small giggle.

"Oh, sorry haha! Are you taking the train?" Kuroo asked.

"Kuroo wha-" Kenma whispered but got cut off by the bedhead.

"Shut up." He whisper-screamed back.

"Yeah. I live in Sakuradai." Fukazawa said calmly.

"Perfect! Let's go home together!" Kenma looked at Kuroo with the 'once we're both alone, I'm gonna kill you' look. The cold-eyed girl just nodded and walked beside the two.

The whole walk was silent but it wasn't awkward. Kenma was focused on his game trying to distract himself. Good thing Kuroo was in between the two so Kenma could process properly.

The silence finally broke when the three were seated in the train. "We haven't exchanged numbers, right?" Kuroo reached for his phone in his bag and exchanged numbers with Fukazawa.

"I'll just give you Kenma's, since he's too shy." Kuroo smirked which made Kenma look up from his game with a dissatisfied face.

This is such a hard level. Much harder because of the thought that she's here. The pudding head thought to himself.

 Curious Cat!!「Kenma Kozume x OC」Where stories live. Discover now