16 ~ The Unroyal Wedding of Prince and Princess

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Abhishree POV

In no time everyone disappeared leaving him and me behind. He came taking fast steps towards me and I stood frozen.

He cupped my cheeks in anger and my heart was beating madly thinking of my death. I didn't know how he got to know about this wedding but most of all I was so foolish of planning that under his nose.

"I might have lost her" He roared and I shivered. My voice hung in my throat and I was not able to process anything. I closed my eyes feeling afraid and the pain in my cheeks made me feel disgusted. He was an ANIMAL.

"Why your brother did that, Hnn? Tell me why? you were the reason. Hnn, You?" I couldn't process anything, How he got to know that my brother fixed our marriage. what the hell he was saying and who the hell told him.

He left my cheek with a jerk that made me sit on the small couch, my hand rested on the table to support me and I looked at him.

He was looking at me with knitted eyebrows and I was so hell afraid my heartbeat was racing, and I felt as if I was about to get dead.

He pulled me up by the shoulder that hurt with his animalistic steel grip. He looked into my eyes with red bloodshot eyes as he roared in a deep, slow voice.

"Why the hell you are looking like a Bride?" He asked and I shivered.

He brought me really close hurting my shoulders and I felt disgusted. His hands were really strong and I was just a few kilograms of flesh in front of him. What the hell was he doing?

He pulled me a little more closely and with a deadly roaring tone questioned again. "Why the hell you are looking like a Bride?"

I was silent just testing his level of anger because there was nothing else he could do, that was somehow really pissing me off. How the hell did he yell at me like that, how the hell he asked me such a question and who the hell was he pulling me close to him?

"Answer my question you little Bitch" He yelled again and that was enough to bring the volcano out of me.

I jerked his hand away and spatted back with the loudest voice I could use " BECAUSE I AM GETTING MARRIED"

My heart raced at the highest speed and my blood turned heated. What the hell he thinks of him?

He came running to me and holding me by my shoulder roared with the same pace "With whose fucking permission" his voice was so dark and deep that sent some chills down my spine.

His words were making me hell mad.

"I don't need anyone's permission" I spat back.

Taking a few steps forward in anger he pinned me to the wall tightening his grip on my wrists. I hissed in pain and he roared with that red bloodshot eyes.

"You fucking need my Permission"

He was just boiling my anger to no limits. Do hell with the consequences, I would kill him today.

"I don't need your permission. I am a PRINCESS. It is my life and I will do whatever shit I want to do" I spat back with equal anger trying to get rid of his steel grip.

"You are my SLAVE" He thundered deafening my ears. Why the hell he was so loud?

"No, I am not. I am Princess of Pratapgarh and now going to be the wedded princess of Suryagarh" I spat back looking into his eyes.

His expression changed a bit worse and he roared like an angry lion throwing his fist on the hard rocked wall.

"YOU BELONG TO MAHABALESHGARH!!! YOU BELONG TO ME!!! AND I HAVE ALL THE RIGHT ON YOU. I WON YOU IN THE WAR" His words made me weak in my knees and I was not able to stand.

Abhishree ~ The Queen of MahabaleshgarhWhere stories live. Discover now