18 ~ The Wedding Night of Royal Couple

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Abhishree POV

I was crying my heart out due to the emotional and physical pain. All I could see around me was darkness in the chamber and in my life too. I lay on the floor feeling miserable and defeated. All my life I was taught that this was a male-dominated society but the treatment I got in my Palace was different. Everyone pampered me and I learned to fight for my own power, I never felt dominated by any man in all my life, But a man, a rude, ruthless, arrogant, strong, and egoistic Prince out of hatred was killing me silently, was dominating my life, my wants, and my pain.

Feeling terrible and lost, I kept on crying and crying until the tears themselves denied coming out. Time passed and the fire which a few times ago made me bound with that animal with shitty vows became calm and the woods became burning coal.

I tried sitting and moving on. There was no use in lying on the ground and crying because no one was going to come and help me. I had to help myself. I couldn't lie there for a lifetime. I never learned to lose. He was making me weak and if I stand strong, He was going lose his egoistic war by itself. I blinked my eyes and I felt they are hurting because of continuous crying, I felt them swollen. I try to sit but the heavy attire was too much to handle. And for whom I wore that, must be killed by then by that animal.

Collecting every bit of myself I moved to the dressing room to come out of this. The moonlight visible out of the chamber part was telling me that it was already midnight and I was feeling tired too after a long and hectic day. I remembered the day I saw the dawn, No matter how long the night is, Day definitely comes.

Accepting it my destiny I looked at myself in the mirror. Looking at my miserable state in the mirror I promised myself that No more crying from now on. I had to bear that animal, I had to come out of all this, I had to teach him a lesson that I am a woman and there is nothing in this world stronger than being a woman. Maa saheb told me that women are the most powerful creature. The woman is the one who gives birth to that animal kind of man.

I saw my face swollen a little, my eyes red and cheeks turned pink, and my lips got dried a little. Taking my hands to the back of my neck I started untieing the knot of the heavy necklace, My hands were hurting a lot but still, there were no more tears left in me to cry more. I wasn't feeling anything now. I was a living corpse now.

Forcing my hands to untie it made them bleed a little and pulling the necklace out of my neck made them hurt even more. I placed the necklace on the table and then suddenly I felt the presence of someone. I felt him already, I was not shocked. I knew he would come and tell me that he won, he killed him and bla! bla! bla!

without looking at him and ignoring him completely I moved on to doing my business. I wasn't afraid or feeling shameful in front of him anymore. He already saw more than it. He tore my blouse that day and slept with me. And whatever he did in the evening, I didn't expect anything worse than it.

I felt him coming closer and turning me, he looked at my hands. I was looking at him in anger and disgust. What the hell left now that he came this time? And what the hell he was doing with my hands? I kept on looking into his eyes, waiting for the worse and most disgusting thing he could do. I kept on staring into his eyes to find some kind of guilt and sign of humanity or something else. But, He was still an animal, and I hate him the most.

He took my hands in his hands. He looked and picked a cotton dupatta from somewhere around and tearing it, he wrapped it around my palms. I was wondering if this was the real him or the one whom I saw a few times ago. I was looking into his eyes to question him, what I did do to him? Why he hates me the most? Why the hell he stopped me from getting married to my Fiance? Was it just because he won me in the war then He was the most inhuman Prince in the world?

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