44 ~ Prince teaches lovemaking to the Princess

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The lovelies who just finished reading Abhishree till here, consider giving your precious votes to Abhiraj. Also, if possible share it with your friends.

No target on this update as I am late in updating this time. Heartfelt apologies for the delay. My home was shifting, so I needed to help my family. 

Anyways, I will try to update Abhi's POV tomorrow, Please motivate me to do so by voting whoever doesn't yet.

Rajvardhan POV

I was lying quietly on the mat while looking outside at the moon gradually reaching the center of the sky. The full moon was showering its moonlight all over the Palace and entering the chamber through the huge entrance attached to the garden. 

I looked at Abhi who came back from the library, having a huge, maroon-colored book in her hand. I sat up quickly and I could see her sitting in front of me while putting the book between us. 

"It called Kamasutra" 

She said with a smiling and exciting face and looked at me. 

My mouth hung open and I could feel that for once I felt numb and all shocked. The floor below me just swept, revolved for a moment.

"What?????" I said looking at her.

She thinned her eyebrow and asked suddenly.

"Why are you so shocked?"

"Are you reading this book?" I asked with curiosity inside and shocking face outside.

"No, Prince, but it has the same thing you were saying. Let me show you." She replied softly and I could tell from her face that she didn't even know anything about the book.

"Yeah, Pass that oil lamp, I will show you," she said confidently.

Wow!!! So, she is reading the book in front of me. Interesting!!!

I passed the oil lamp to her silently and trying hard to control my shocking and humorous emotions from her. 

"So, Prince This book is about... umm" She inhaled a short breath and said slowly.

"Controlling women"

I was so amazed by her sense of maturity and somehow I wanted to know what she knew about the book. 

"Ohh really? Controlling women?" I asked, thinning my eyebrows.

"Yeah... It is, You know I read the same thing you told to me in this"

"You read this book?" I asked.

"No, not completely but I read a page of it. Then I felt a little unwell and it has things that used to happen in a different time." She said showing her extremely correct knowledge.

"Wow, You know a lot of things, I am impressed a lot," I said sarcastically moving my neck a little. 

"Yeah, wait I will show you," She said and started turning pages of the book as if searching some particular page. 

"Huh, Here it is" She stopped and moved the book towards me showing me the page.

I looked down for a moment then again looked at her.

"Why don't you tell yourself?" I asked. 

Her face turned silent all of sudden and she lowered her gaze, she looked at the book first and then looked at me. 

My request made her nervous and I realized that when she lowered her gaze timidly.

She inhaled softly and said in a flat and slow voice while looking into my eyes. 

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