What doesn't kill you disappoints me.
"Im walking on sunshine!" Good! I hope you burn!
One neighbor says to the other, " Im so glad your on the other side."
So your on a diet? Well its not working!
You know what I like about the outside? Nothing!
Your so fluffy, Im going to die! Good!
I would be so honored to direct you to the nearest exit.
I have a dream that one day you'll shut up.
"Whats in the box?" Crap! Go scoop it.
All I want to for Christmas is for you to shut up!
"I want to wish you a merry Christmas!" No!
This is my life! Not a joke.
"What the Crayola!?"
Every side of the bed is wrong.
If you don't shut up, Im going to rip your @$#&! apart
You told me your story, now its time for me to tell you mine. "Once upon a time, I don't give a crap!" The End!!!!!!
Theres not enough coffee in this world to get me to Rise and Shine.
Your face, its breathing my air. STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unless the world also gives you Water and sugar, Your lemonade is going to suck.
Funny jokes for everyone
Humor2 people are in the story for characters. Person 1: Knock Knock Person 2: Whose there? Person 1: Boo Person 2: Boo who? Person 1: Don't cry. Its only a joke.