🦇Ch.1: On Leather Wings🧬

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It's a cloudy night in Gotham as a police blimp patrols the skies.

"This is Gotham Air One reporting in." The pilot announces. "Things are actually quiet for once."

Out of the corner of his eye, the younger co-pilot spots something on the blimps radar. "You see that?" He asks his partner.


"I had a blip." He points to the radar screen now void of any sign of something up in the air with them. "It just ghosted across my screen."

The older police pilot looks around visually. "I don't see anything."

"It was there. Whatever it is must be right below us."

Something suddenly streaks pass the blimp catching the younger co-pilot's attention, but too fast to get a complete visual.

"There it is!"

"There what is?" The pilot inquires.

"It looked like-- bat wings!"

The older blimp officer still looks cynical at his younger partner's proclamation.

"Bat wings?" he goes with it to make sure. "Okay. Take us up through those clouds, just in case."

The younger pilot steers above the clouds, revealing nothing but themselves in the skies.

"Sorry kid, there's nothing up here."

"I swear I saw it!" The younger police blimp pilot affirms. "Something was flying around up here."

Little did the policemen realize was that something was flying around with them but was already long gone into the city below.

The younger officer was correct in stating he saw bat wings. But this is clearly no animal. It's humanoid in shape but with bat wings for arms, giving it the capability of flight.

This...man-bat creature heads right for a pharmaceuticals company by the name of Phoenix Pharmaceuticals. There, a security guard has the unfortunate luck of being on the clock making his rounds.

The guard passes the time playing around with his tape recorder as he patrols the empty halls of each floor.

"Testing...one, two, three. Testing, one, two, three. You too can fulfill the dream of being a high-paid radio personality in your spare time, just like me." He talks in a deeper radio announcer voice into the recorder. "Just call..." He clears his throat before beginning again. "Just call the Gotham Institute of Broadcast Arts. Yeah that's better." He finishes in his normal voice. "Call the Gotham Insti--"

The guard's musings are cut off by a loud crash coming from down the darkened hall. He cautiously doubles back to the storeroom in which the sudden noise occurred, only to find the dimly lit room empty.

He exhales a sigh of relief before continuing his patrol, keeping a more vigilant watch this time.

But apparently not well enough as the creature approaches stealthily from behind.

The guard can feel the presence of something creeping up behind him, freezes in his tracks and makes the mistake of turning around to face whatever was at his back.

He screams in terror as he comes face to face with the inhuman creature. "Get away!"

The thing backwings the nightwatchman's arm, knocking the recorder out of the security guard's hand and rolls underneath a nearby desk.

The guard attempts to try and defend himself, using a chair to throw at the creature. It, however, misses and crashes through the plate glass window.

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