Tamaki Amajiki x Depressed! Neko! reader.you shine like the sun.

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Im sorry. I had to do my soft boy. He deserves so much love and attention its unreal. I may do an amajiki book. Like the dabi one. Idk. Idk his character that well but hes so cute and shy. I want to cuddle him and tell him everything will be ok!!!!!!!.......... Ahem. Sorry about that. I....... Im just gonna get on with the story.......... Also mention of suicide and depression. So you can skip if you want to. Not my art but i edoted it to make it loom like he is the sun. Cause he is in my eyes. Sorry. I love this adorable bean so much.}}

(Y/N) POV:

It happened again. The girls at my school are so mean to me. All because I’m different. All because of my past……….

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Flashback third person POV<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

It was a cold rainy night when it happened. (Y/N) and her family had just got in from a long night celebrating (Y/N) 10th birthday. They were happy as they got ready for bed. (Y/N) and her siblings went to bed early. She let her hair down and it reached her tail. Her mother and father stayed up a little longer and had a glass of wine each. Then there was a knock at the door.

They looked at each other and her father opened the door. As soon as he opened the door, he had a gun pointed at his head. He backed up into the living room. Her mother stood up. The glass she was holding dropped from her hand, smashing on the ground. This made (Y/N) wake up. She yawned and got up. The man that had barged in and was demanding the money that they kept in the safe.

Her dad went to the safe and opened it up. (Y/N) walked down the stairs rubbing her eyes sleepily.  She looked at her mother and yawned again.

“mummy, whats going on?” her mother ran to her as the guy aimed the gun at (Y/N) and shot at her. Her mother got to her before it could but she took the bullet instead. She fell to the floor as (Y/N) looked at her. Her eyes were wide and she started to cry.

The guy was about to shoot her again when her father tackled the guy to the ground and wrestled with the guy until she heard another gun shot. Her dad looked at the guy and fell to the ground.

The guy took the money and jewellery that was in the safe and ran. (Y/N) was so distraught that she tackled the guy out of the door. She started to use her claws to scratch his face. That’s when he used his quirk. He had a fire quirk. He sent a fire ball at her and it burnt the side of her neck, but the fire ball continued up and landed in the attic room.

That was her siblings room. Her eyes went wide and she went to run in when one of her neighbours stopped her and held her close. The guy was getting away, until a pro hero showed up. It was fat gum. The fire engulfed the entire house within minutes.

(Y/N) was crying her eyes out. Her siblings could be heard screaming as they were burnt alive. Fat gum came over and hugged (Y/N). she hugged back. Fat gum sighed and went to walk away with (Y/N) asleep in his arms. From that day, fat gum basically adopted (Y/N). she did get adopted by a different family, but she preferred fat gum.

>>>>>>> Flashback ends <<<<<<<<

(Y/N) POV:

I was at UA, but the girls there were really mean. I had tried to ignore them but their insults, constant bullying and hitting always got to me. So, in the first week of my third and final year at UA, I started to cut myself. I’ve made sure to keep it a secret from fat.

My actual foster parents don’t actually care about me, that’s why I basically live with fat gum. I sniffed and covered my eye which was starting to get black because the ‘popular’ girls had beaten my up again.

I sighed as i walked into fats place. I went to go to my room when he popped out from the kitchen. He smiled. Then he saw my face. His smile turned to a frown as he came over to me and asked what was wrong.

"im fine, fat. Dont worry."  i Looked away and headed to my room. I sighed and flopped on my bed looking up at my ceiling. All that was going through my head was their insults. I opened my drawer and looked at the razor inside. I took it out and started to cut my arms and legs. I sighed. the blade hovered over my wrist. As i was about to cut, i heard  fat coming to my room.

I quickly put the blade away and wrapped my arms and legs up in bandages and put some Pyjama trousers on and a long sleeve tshirt. I grabbed a book and sat on my bed when fat came in. He sat on my bed and looked at me. He moved my hair to look at my black eye. As soon as he saw it he went protective mode.

"Who did it?!" I just looked at him and played dumb. He wasn't buying it. I sighed And looked away. I hugged myself amd looked out of the window.

"It was tokashida...." he just looked at me confussed.

"Weren't you two friends?" I nodded and told him everything. By the end my ears were down and i was messing with my tail. He was astounded. He sighed.

"Look, I've scouted someone, for your work study you have to do at UA. Why dont i scout you too? That way you get to meet someone new that could be your friend. He is shy tho....." He looked at me and smiled. I sighed and nodded. He said they were patrolling that night so i had to get ready soon. I took a shower and put my costume on. It was tight and all black to help me hide in the night.

I had the reflexes like a cat and i could control and talk to cats too. They called me the cat burgelar. Thats my hero name. I dont steal from people. Unless their villains and are carrying a gun. Then i steal that. I can be very sneaky. Anyway, i walked out with fat to his agency hugging myself all the way. Im not that confident about my body.

When we got there, this boy from UA was waiting outside. He looked familiar. He had elf like ears purpley blue hair and was hugging himself and shaking. I dont know why but, i kinda found him cute. Fat went up to him and patted his back.

"Cat burgaler, this is the other student ive scouted. Suneater" My eyes went wide and i couldnt believe it. One of the big three. and im in his class. I sit at the back away from people. But he sits in front of me.

" T........ Tamaki?....." he looked up at me and i smiled. I quickly took my mask off so he could see who i was. I put it back on when he stuttered out my name. I smiled and giggled. I saw him look at what i was wearing and the blush that spread across his cheeks was adorable. I smiled shyly and fat smiled.

"Come on you two. Lets head inside and get ready. We're on patrol tonight."  We followed fat into his agency. He smiled and gave me something. It was a new suite. I thanked him and hugged him. I ran into the changing rooms and put it on. It was so nice. It was more like a dress now.

I put my mask on after the dress. I was happy. I twirled. It wasnt restricting. I came out and smiled. Fat smiled and cheered, while tamaki blushed and turned to face the wall. I thought i had done something wrong so i shyed away. Fat went over to tamaki and asked what was wrong.

"Shes so cute. I.... I..... I dont want t..... T....... To embarrass m..... Myself m.... More...... S.... Shes like m..... Mirio....... S..... She shines like t....... The sun......" Thanks to my ears i heard every word of that. I blushed and looked away. Fat kimda got protective. I told fat to not get mad. I went to tamaki and looked at him. I smiled at him.

"Tamaki, dont be shy ok? I...... I want to be friends with you."  He looked at me bright red. I nodded that i meamt it and he hugged me. I blushed. Fat said it was time we went and patrolled. I blushed and nodded. We headed out amd did our jobs. Tamaki kept watching me and since that day, ive been happier.

Ok. Here it is. Sorry about the top. I wrote this on my other book. My bnha x reader one. But yeah. Here it is. Do you want me to do a part two? Sorry if it flopped near the end. I kinda lost motivation. But anyway. Thank you for reading i hoped you liked it. Im working on all of my bnha stories. So my dabi one and of course the bnha one and this one of course. But pls leabe requests. Pls be specific on all the requests you leave on any of my books. Thank you.


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