a/ and short story

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ok hi. sorry i haven't updated in a while, this is sadly gonna be a sad story cause ya know, i don't know how else to express myself other then doing something ill regret or promised not to do anymore. so yeah. if you don't like it ok, that's your opinion and its valid, i just need to get things off my chest. anyway, here we go. and yes this will be a self insert, and its not gonna be like my normal style sorry but thats how much i feel like im worthless so yeah. also trigger warning, there will be homophobia in this one shot. also mentions of unaliving and actually unaliving. sorry, i feel like doing it to myself atm, so yeah.... i dont really want to say the actual words cause it triggers me even tho im the one writting it. i know, ironic isnt it? anyway, try and enjoy.))

i silently walked around the mall away from everyone, with the hood of my dark hoodie up. no one really noticed me, i was used to that because of school and home. i went and got food, i just sat in the furthest part of the mall away from everyone. i say the occasional person look at me. it didnt really bother me, as long as they didnt try to talk to me i was fine. i sat eating and reading in the shadows, that was until i heard a group of people beating up a kid. i sighed and went over to them, they looked at me and backed away just glaring at me.

"come on guys, run before 'she' touches us. we dont want to be cursed by the witch." they ran off and i sighed as i flipped them off, i turned around and helped the kid up. he looked at my hand and smiled, he took it and got up, letting out a stutter which i  presumed was meant to be a thank you. i smiled a little and nodded, i went to walk away when he grabbed my arm, making me stop and look at him. he kept stuttering and sighed, he gave me a piece of paper and walked away bright red. i smiled a little and looked at the piece of paper, it was his name and his number. i smiled more and decided to go home. i sighed as i heard my parents yelling at each other again, i went straight past them and up to my room, locking the door and playing my loud music. I sighed as I did my homework, I had a little break and looked at the piece of paper. I sighed and got my phone out, put the number in and texted the boy I had met at the mall.

I smiled as I got a text back from tamaki, even in his texts he stuttered and it was adorable. We spoke nearly all night actually, we had both finished our homework so that was good. We were gonna meet up in a couple of days, but i wasnt planning to be here in the next couple of days.  i didnt tell tamaki that tho, no one knew or even suspected that i would be looking over them in about a day. i sighed as i walked home and people called me a faggot and used my dead name and misgendered me, every one knew me you see. all  because of my school and praising me, the school was the one that had done it. they are the ones that said all the wrong stuff and then  said i was non binary to the world, which pissed me off cause now every one deadnamed me and misgendered me. I sighed as i starred up at my ceiling, everything that had happened running through my head. all of the mean words, the notes tapped to my back, the rocks and sharp objects that was thrown at me. it was all to much, and i couldnt take it anymore.  i had sold all of my things, and i got rid of my calendar. i sighed as i went to get food and only ate a little. i gave the rest to someone who needed it more then me. i walked to the middle of the bridge, i looked down at the water. i sighed and got up onto the railings, i heard people stop and whisper at me. all i heard was whispers about who i was, that sent me over the edge. i took a breathe in and stepped off of the railing, and i felt the cold wind rush past me. i felt alive, even though i was plummeting to my death, i had never felt more alive. i smiled softly as i felt the cold water rush around me, i knew it would only take a matter of minutes for this to happen. 

i looked at the sky one last time as i closed my eyes and let the water in, i felt it fill my lungs and i felt my body go cold. this was the end of me, jamie takashi. 

third person pov:all that was running through his he

it was a few days later, tamaki was at the mall waiting for jamie so they could go on there date. he waited all day, at about 6 pm, he sighed and went to get the train back home, when he saw the news. they had found a dead body in the river, he looked at it and his eyes went wide. it was jamie, it was his jamie. why would they do this, he wouldnt be able to live with out them. why?, thats what they were doing the other night.... he should of realised. he was so stupid. he ran to the nearest hospital which is were they were taking jamie-sankun, he was out of breathe by he time he got there. he went to the desk and stutter asked where jamie was. the burse looked at him and told him. he ran down there to the room and saw that they were strapped to a life support machine, he cried happily and sadly. happily cause jamie was alive, but sadly cause of how they looked. the doctors told him that 'clair' was in a coma, he turned and snapped at the doctor saying that their name was jamie and that they were not female, that they were non binary. the doctor looked at him and nodded as he walked away quickly. tamaki never left jamie's side, they were out for months.

It was getting to much, the doctors kept telling him that they had to pull the plug. He just grabbed da hold of Jamie and told them no, but it was no use. They had to in the end, and tamaki just held Jamie's hand tightly. The machine went dead and that was it. After that day he went to their grave everyday. Just crying and living for them.

Look I'm sorry this one is sad but I've been working on this for ages and i only work on it when I'm super down. So you can read it or not, idm. I'm just getting so tired. Anyway, if you did read, I Hope you somewhat If at all liked it. I'm working on the next chapter now. A different one and I'm working on a request too that is a little like this but happier. Bye for now.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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