Chapter 1

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Wow, I said to myself, as I thought of Johnny Cade, the boy I have had a crush on since I was 7 years old. I was introduced to him when I was only 5 years old. Ponyboy, my twin brother, is Johnny's best friend. So, I know Johnny pretty well.

The gang is downstairs, as usual. Two-Bit is watching Mickey Mouse, Soda and Steve are arm wrestling, Pony, Johnny, and Dally are playing poker, while Darry is cooking dinner. I'm usually in my room, writing in my diary about how much I love Johnny, because I know that I probably don't have a chance with him. As Darry calls everyone downstairs for dinner, I race down the stairs, since Two-Bit likes to race me to the table to see who can get the bigger piece of chicken. I usually win, since he always turns on the T.V. really loud so you have to scream in his ear to tell him to get off of the T.V.. Steve loves to scream in his ear, since Two-Bit always pranks him, so that is his job before dinner.

Everyone races to the table, except for Two-Bit and Steve. But this time, Steve wants to do something more effective, so he runs to the kitchen to grab a cup of water. He sneaks up behind Two, and splashes the water on him and runs like the devil is chasing him. Two-Bit is screaming while Steve runs out of the house. We are all laughing at them, until Steve runs back out of breath. In between breaths, he manages to get out, "Soc's. Soc's. Mustang. Coming." We close and lock all windows and doors in the house. Darry pulls Steve aside. I can hear them arguing, but I can't make out what they are saying.


I ran outside. I could hear the gang laughing at me. As I ran down the block, I saw a blue mustang coming my way. I saw them roll down their windows and say, "Hey, Grease."

I responded saying, "Listen man, I ain't lookin' for a fight."

And they simply reply, "Well, we are."

I ran as fast as I could. I was out of breath. So as soon as I got back to the Curtis House, it was really hard to talk, so all I was able to say was, "Soc's. Soc's. Mustang. Coming." To be honest, I was pretty scared. Darry pulls me by my shirt, and asks me what I did. I say, "I did not do anything. I swear. I did not do anything."

But Darry doesn't believe me. He says to me, "You had to have done something to make the Soc's follow you here. You know what? We aren't finished. We will continue later."


Darry walks up to me, and tells me to go to my room because he doesn't want me to get hurt. I then ask him, "Why can Pony fight then? We are the same age. I'm only a few minutes younger than him. I can fight if I want to. I don't want to just sit there as all of you fight. I hate feeling useless and helpless. I-"

Darry interrupts me saying, "You better listen to me missy. Pony, help me out here." Pony walks up to me and takes me to my room. I tell him exactly what I told Darry, but all he says is that he's sorry, and that he cannot not listen to Darry. He closes my door as I run up to it to open it again, but I can't because Pony locks the door. So all I can do is sit there at the window, watching all of my friends get beat up by the Socs, helpless.

I look down at the ground, wanting it to be close enough for me to jump out without getting hurt. But it's a two story house, so I would be able to jump out, but I would probably end up breaking something. After a while, the fight starts. A rumble has just started, on the front yard of my house. I am sitting at my window, so I see everything that is happening. Darry is taking 3 Soc's at once, Dally and Steve are taking two each, and the rest of the gang, Pony, Johnny, Soda, and Two-Bit, each take on one Soc. While Bob and Randy are sitting in their mustang. Another Soc steps out of his car and goes up behind Pony. I can tell by the smile on his face that he is going to attempt knocking him out. And I hate feeling helpless, so I scream, "PONY BEHIND YOU!"

Bob and Randy start looking around to see who said that. I see them look my way, so I simply duck. Hoping they didn't see me. I can hear Dally cursing, as they get out of their car, and enter the house. Darry shouts, "Sadie look out! They are coming." Although, I already knew. I could hear them walking up the stairs. I then remember that I keep a switchblade that Johnny gave me for my 10th birthday on my table. I would try to get up and grab it, but I can't move. It's almost as if I am glued in my spot. I then hear Bob and Randy banging on my door. I then gather the strength to get up and grab the blade. As soon as I reach my table, I see out of the corner of my eye, Bob and Randy smiling like fools. Bob tries to grab my arm but I cut him with the blade. He jumps back, and tells Randy something which makes him smile even more. They both grab me, dodging my blade as I keep swinging it, and carry me to the window and throw me out. I scream, I can hear Soda screaming, "NOO!"

As I am falling, I prepare myself for a broken bone somewhere. My eyes are closed, I'm about to hit the ground, but I don't feel anything. I open my eyes, and see Johnny holding me. I then realize what happened. Randy and Bob just threw me out of my bedroom window, and Johnny had caught me. I could see him blushing, and I could feel my cheeks burning up too. I then hug him and say thank you. He replies in a voice that's almost like a whisper saying, "I'm just doing my job of protecting you. I don't want you getting hurt." This comment makes us both blush even more.

"Well, you are amazing at this job." I whisper back, and start giggling. He laughs too. I look down at the Soc's and they are all getting in their cars. We had won this rumble. Everyone cheers for a minute, and everyone starts crowding around me, asking if I was ok. I managed to escape the crowd and see Johnny heading over to the backyard. I quickly walk over to Johnny. And he is pacing back and forth, talking to himself. I don't understand what he is saying. So I just say, "Hey Johnnycakes."

He turns red again and says, "Hi Sadie. Are you ok?"

"Hmmm. I am ok. Thanks to you," I say. He just laughs. I look up at him, and I start asking myself questions. Should I just tell him how I feel? Does he feel the same? I should just tell him- no I can't what if it ruins our friendship and it gets awkward. Should I stay here with him? Does he want me here? Am I being awkward? I don't know what to do, so I just look up at the sunset. And just sitting there, with my crush next to me, staring at the beautiful sunset. The problem with being Pony's twin is that you literally are exactly like him, you enjoy the same sports, hobbies, and other stuff.

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