Chapter 7

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A Few Months Later


The boys have another rumble tonight. They don't want me to participate, but I am too stubborn, I want to fight. So they just gave up. No weapons are allowed. Only skin. I was still nervous though, yet excited. A few years ago, there was a skin rumble, Pony came back with a cut on his arm, and today, you can still see the outline of it.

I am getting ready for the rumble, I pick out my black tee shirt and dark jeans. I put my long brown hair in two braids on the side of my head. Usually I do something less basic, but I don't want my hair to get in the way of me fighting. I only have one pair of shoes, which are my high-cut black converse sneakers. I jump down the stairs when I hear Soda and Darry telling all of us to come outside. We go outside doing flips and cartwheels, and see who does better.

Soda starts our little chant, "I'm a greaser."

Steve screams, "I'm a JD and a hood."

Dallas shouts, "I blacken the name of our fair city."

Pony yells, "I beat up people."

Darry continues, "I rob gas stations."

Johnny and I shout, "I am a menace to our society."

Lastly, Two-Bit screams as loud as he can, "MAN, DO I HAVE FUN!"

I laugh, and start chanting, "GREASER, GREASER, GREASER!"

Everyone else joins in. We get to the lot, where we meet Tim Shepard and his gang.

We wait there for about 10 minutes for the Soc's to come. They get out of their Mustangs and Corvettes, and drop their alcohol bottles. And walk over to us and then shake Darry's hand. The rumble starts when Darry punches a Soc in the face. It then starts to rain. I take this short Soc, who was pretty easy to beat up. I then was attacked by this other Soc from behind. He was beating me up bad, thank gosh Johnny saw me, and took him down for me.

About 30 minutes later, the Soc's get in their cars and drive away. Except for the dark red mustang. They stay there as we all are cheering and screaming since we won. A guy from the Red Mustang steps out from the car with a gun in his hand, he holds it up.


I notice the Mustang still there, and how a guy steps out from the car, and holds up a gun. I yell, but it's too late. He shot the gun, and Sadie screamed, then fell to the ground. I run over to Sadie, and she is bleeding like crazy. I try putting pressure on the wound, but the bleeding won't stop. She is crying, tears streaming down her face like two waterfalls, and tells me that everything is gonna be ok. "Sadie, please don't die on me. Not now. I need you. Sadie, I need you."

She says, "I love you, Johnny. Nothing can change that." She turns pale and collapses in my arms. I can't stop crying. The love of my life had just died because of a rumble. I could have saved her. Her death is my fault. DAMMIT. Why did I not do anything to save her??? Why am I so stupid? Dally pulls me away, with tears in his eyes.

"I told her not to come tonight. I told her, man." Darry says. Soda is immediately at Sadie's side rocking her in his arms. I can feel my chest tightening. She reaches a violently shaking hand toward me, and I clasp my hand in her soft, cold hands that once held on to me, and wrapped around me with love and gratitude.

"Johnny... I-I l-love you. G-go l-live your l-life. F-forget about m-me."

I started to sob. "Sadie Eileen Curtis, you are the love of my life, and you always will be. You are the girl of my dreams. You are the most beautiful, dangerous person I've ever met, and I will never forget about you or stop loving you, you hear?"

She smiles weakly, and I lean down to gently kiss her forehead. She shuddered, and her beautiful eyes opened. Only, they weren't a brilliant blueish green, now they looked gray, and swamp green. Her eyes were open, staring into the dawn sky. I knew she was dead. I yelled in agony.

Suddenly I took my switchblade out, and was about to plunge it into my chest until Ponyboy tackled me.

"Don't be selfish, man. Sadie would've wanted you to stay. She said to go and live your life. We can't lose another one. Not when I just lost my twin sister. No more, please." He crumples to the ground, and sobs silently.

I whirl around facing the guy who killed Sadie. I go crazy. It was the guy who she turned down when he once asked her out on a date.

"Sorry man, but no one says no to me." I look at the switchblade in my hand, and the soc's fingers clasped around his gun. Something inside me snaps.

I lunge at him, and the gang doesn't do anything to stop it. I start stabbing the soc like crazy, pouring out my agony and anger into each one of my thrusts. Susan pulls me away and I stop. I collapse. The last thing I could remember was Susan's kind face, and the whole gang rushing towards me.

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