Chapter 5

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The Next Day

Today was the day of Pony's big track meet, and Soda's date with Susan. Pony is getting ready.


"UHH... I DON'T HAVE IT, PONY. ASK JOHNNY." I yelled, while laughing since it was in my hand. Laughter erupted from the whole gang. I even got Darry to laugh, which was kind of funny, since he never laughs at our pranks.

Pony runs down the stairs in his tee shirt and jeans, while giving me a disappointed look. I try holding in my laughter, but I can't since Steve and Two-Bit keep throwing chocolate cake at Pony. Which makes him even more mad, so Pony runs up to them and jumps on Steve while messing up Two-Bit's hair. About 2 minutes later, Pony is being choked by Two-Bit on the floor, and is telling Pony to call him "Uncle."

"Fine, Uncle

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"Fine, Uncle. You win." Pony says in between breaths, since he can't breathe.

I laugh. It's good to have the gang back together again. Pony stands up, "Ok, Sadie. Give me my shorts." I run away with them, and Pony chases me. Johnny, already dressed, runs up beside me and takes the shorts and runs off. Pony tackles me, thinking that I have the shorts, and opens my hands, and sees that there is nothing in there. Pony sighs disappointed. "Dammit, Johnny." He says, as I get up, laughing. Pony runs in the direction that Johnny went in. He told me where he was going to go, which was the park.

I take the shortcut to the park, and I meet Johnny there. And since I love climbing trees, he gave me the shorts and told me to climb the tree. Pony comes sprinting as fast as he can, and I'm already near the top of the tree with his shorts. He is out of breath, telling me to give it to him. I feel bad so I just throw it down. We are about to leave, when I see a blue Mustang pull up to the park. Randy stumbles out and I can see him carrying a bottle of whiskey. "Come on."

He says while stumbling toward me. He knocks me on the floor and sits on top of me. "Need a haircut, Grease. How about it starts right below the chin?"

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" Johnny screams, he tries to run up to me, but another Soc holds him back. I can feel Bob coming up behind me, when Ponyboy jumps onto his back and starts punching him in the face.

Randy hurries up his "haircut," and cuts me in the neck. I wince with pain, but Johnny then breaks free from that Soc and starts kicking Randy. Next thing I know, I am hit in the back of my head, and I black out.


I wake up in the hospital. Johnny is sitting at the foot of my bed. I can hear him cursing under his breath. "Johnny?"

"Oh! Thank god you are ok? How does your head feel?"

"I can feel my heartbeat in my head." I smile weakly, but then wince, when a sharp pain occurs in my side. I don't know what that was, but it hurts like hell.

Pony walks in, "I just called coach. He says that we don't have to go." He notices that I'm awake. "Hey, Sadie. How are you feeling?"

"What happened?"


"What happened? Why does my side and head hurt so much? How did I get here?"

"Oh yeah. You were slashed with Bob's switchblade in the side. The nurses said that it should be fine in a couple weeks. But you were bleeding a lot, that's why you have to stay here for a while"

"Is Soda still going on his date?" I say while laughing a bit.

"Actually, he wanted to cancel, but Susan said she wanted to see how you're doing, so he brought her here!"




Soda had called me a few hours ago, saying that he would have to cancel because something happened to Sadie, and that she needs to go to the hospital. I was worried about her, so I asked if I could see her. He said that it was ok. So he picked me up, and we went to the hospital.

As soon as we got there, the nurse said that we could wait in the waiting room. I wanted to see her immediately, but the nurse said that only 2 people were allowed in the room at once. Soda told me that Johnny and Pony were in the room. So Soda and I sat there, talking. And wanted to tell Soda about my second job. Which was being a writer. "Soda? I want to tell you something."

"Sure, anything."

"I am not just a lawyer. I am also a writer. And I want to start this book, and I am wondering if it can be about you and your gang."

"That's cool. But there are no female authors, so we would have to change your name to make it sound like a guys name."

"You're right. How are we going to do that?"

"What is your full name?"

"Susan Eloise Hinton."

"How about S.E. Hinton?"

"I kinda like it actually."

"You are a genius, Soda." I pull him into a hug. I could stay like this forever, I thought. He smiles, and that's when I finally get a good look at him. He had dark brown hair, almost black. And kind eyes that varied between the colors of hazel, blue, and amber. His smile was somewhere between mischievousness, and playfulness. Johnny and Pony come out, and walk over to us. Pony is smirking, while Johnny tells us that we can go in. So we get up and walk in Sadie's room. She is on the bed, with a bandage around her head, and stitches in her stomach. "Are you ok? What happened?" I ask.

"Johnny and I were teasing Pony, and we ran to the park with his track shorts, and the Soc's came and beat us up. I was hit in the head, and I don't remember anything after that."

"It's ok. You're safe now." I said. Why are they treated like this? Just because they are poor, doesn't mean that they deserve to be treated badly like this. Sadie falls asleep, holding my hand. She looks younger while she is asleep. Soda grabbed my hand and told me that we should let her rest. I let go of Sadie's hand, and walked away with Soda.

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