Chapter 1

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Little bit of swearing if you mind
Matt breathed a sigh of relief. Nelson and Murdock had just won a very high profile case in the defense of the famous Tony Stark.

Mr. Stark has been sued for property damage after he'd, as Ironman, destroyed most of the facilities of a wealthy company that was secretly distributing weapons. The company's CEO claimed to not have had any knowledge of the illegal transactions that occurred in his buildings and that the destruction of said buildings was unnecessary and had only happened because Tony Stark didn't like having business rivals. (said company definitely wasn't important enough to be considered a rival of Stark Industries)

It went much better than expected, if they'd lost then that would've been the end of Matt's career, or close to it anyway. Who'd want to hire him if he'd lost Tony Stark thousands of dollars. Luckily they won, so if anything the cases that Nelson and Murdock would be offered offered in the future would only increase in number and importance. Matt had had a rough night last night, as Daredevil, and did not need any added stress.

Matt's shoulder hurt and he was probably littered with bruises under his suit. He just wanted to go home and sleep, but when you get Tony Stark out of legal trouble, you get invited to dinner.

"Thanks again for the help. We'd be in deep shit without you guys," said Tony

" Yeah well, their defense was full of so many holes, it was worse than the city's potholes," laughed Foggy.

"We were just doing our jobs. Glad we could help," said Matt.

"Anyway, the rest of the team are excited to meet you guys. They were really impressed by the speech you made in court," said Tony.

"They were in the court room?! Wow, I didn't even notice," exclaimed Foggy.

"I think they did that on purpose. Sadly, they don't appreciate the public eye like I do," said Tony woefully.

Matt had noticed them in the back of the courtroom, but they had never approached him, they just stayed in the back row until the verdict had been given and then left. Matt didn't know which person belonged to which heartbeat, but they were there.

As the group neared the infamous Avengers Tower, Matt could heat Foggy's heart rate increase. He was reasonably nervous. Matt was also nervous, but not because he was intimidated by the Avengers. What if they found out he was Daredevil? What if they already knew?

As they entered the building, they were greeted by a group of five, each with distinct heartbeats.
When he'd heard that Tony was involved in another lawsuit, Steve had just groaned and rolled his eyes, but when he heard that the suit was about the Avengers, he became worried. Tony could take the blow of losing a suit, the Avengers couldn't. While loved by the public, those in power were fearful of the Avengers and wanted any excuse to force them to disband. If they lost the suit, even though it was only about property damage, it could be disastrous.

The rest of the team had realized this too and everyone got themselves involved in trying to find the lawyers. Many law firms volunteered to act as their defense, but they only volunteered because Tony was rich. People who are after money aren't the most reliable. The team kept of searching until they found Nelson and Murdock.

Nelson and Murdock only defended the innocent and if they lost they didn't make their clients pay. This showed that they were actually concerned with defending their clients. They were also really good lawyers, they had taken down the infamous Fisk.

Steve could reflect that they'd definitely made the right choice in lawyers. They had won the case and had made the matter of Tony's innocence so plain and easy to see that the jurors came to an anonymous decision quickly.

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