Chapter 2

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After searching for a while with no luck, the team decided to pop in to Nelson and Murdock to say hi. Thor had returned to Asgard and everyone was bored. Tony had a favor to ask them anyway.

The building where Nelson and Murdock was situated was modest but still looked nice. Since Fisk, Nelson and Murdock had had an increase in clientele and had expanded the space to two floors as well as hired some new employees.

The team made their way into the main office where Foggy was siting, eating a sandwich, and trying to ignore the astounding amount of paper work in front of him. His face lit up when he saw his friends, welcoming the distraction.

"Hey how's it been going?" he asked

"It's been good. We were in the neighborhood and wanted to say hello. Hope we're not interrupting anything. Do you know where Matt is?" asked Clint.

"If he's busy we can just come back later," added Nat.

"Oh no, stay! I'm taking a break and can't concentrate anyway. He's just finishing up a phone call in the other room," said Foggy, motioning to the room next door. "Take a seat please," he said, offering the group chairs.

They all sat down on different chairs that were scattered around the room. They chatted about daily life, Avengers adventures, and other things until Matt joined them.

"Woah Matt! You look terrible! What's up?" asked Bruce, concerned. Matt looked really tired and was sporting several large bruises including a large handprint shaped one.

"I'm fine. My apartment just forgot to tell me that they need to repair the stairs. One of the steps was crumbling, guy caught me but we both toppled over. I usually take the elevator," Matt shrugged.

Foggy rolled his eyes.

"Well that was an asshole move, they need to tell tenants if there is something wrong with the building. What if there was a fire?" said Clint in a seriously pissed off tone.

"It's fine, Foggy already yelled at the owner and got him to take off some of my rent," said Matt trying to de-piss off Clint.

"Anyway any luck with finding Daredevil?" asked Foggy.

"Not yet, but he's not a threat so there's no urgency," answered Nat.

"You could just scream," suggested Matt, "I hear that he always pops up when people scream. Well I mean he doesn't always come but you could try."

"We could try that- or at least everyone else could try that. Ironman is never a damsel in distress," said Tony.

"Well I wish you luck in finding him," said Foggy, but he sounded like he didn't completely mean it.

"Have any new, exciting cases?" asked Clint.

"Yeah actually, we're doing this big one where..."

They continued chat for a bit, Tony did some legal business with Matt, and then decided that the two lawyers probably had to get back to work and eventually said their goodbyes.

"You know," said Bruce, "something Matt said stuck with me. He said that Daredevil doesn't always come. Think he has experience with that?" he asked, concerned.

"Maybe, but it's not our business to ask. If something happened, it happened. Did seem like he had history with him though," expressed Clint.

"Even if there is anything, he didn't mention it when we asked about if he'd ever met him, so it'd be something private. I better not see anyone putting their nose where it doesn't belong," threatened Nat, glaring at both Clint and Tony.

"Fine, but I still want to visit Matt's landlord, Matt could've gotten seriously hurt. A fall can do a lot of damage, especially if you don't know what steps to avoid," said Clint, plotting.

"I don't think he'd like it if we showed up at his place and threatened his landlord," pointed out Steve.

"True, but I am boored, said Tony. "Who's in!"

"Fine, but be quiet about it ok," said Steve, relenting after being poked and prodded for a while.

The team really had nothing else to do, so they found themselves at Matt's apartment complex.

"What do mean there's nothing wrong with your stairs, my friend fell and got hurt when he stepped on a crumbling step because he can't see! Don't lie!" yelled Clint.

"You mean Mr. Murdock?" the landlord asked incredulously, "I always tell him if there's something he should know about the building. I promise the stairs are in perfect condition, just had remodeling done two months ago. And even if there was something wrong and I didn't tell him about it, he wouldn't have fallen! His friend, Fred-no Foggy, yeah Foggy, goes wherever he does, he would've caught him!" exclaimed the man, terrified.

"Really then, why would he lie?" asked Nat.

"I don't know, Matt's hotheaded sometimes maybe he got into a fight and didn't want to worry you. You know his dad was a famous boxer right, he's blind but he can still put up a good fight," said the landlord.

"He gets into fights?"

"Yeah, he gets black eyes and shit a lot"

"I don't believe you, you said Foggy follows him everywhere. How could he be getting into a lot of fights and have Foggy be totally fine?" asked Nat. She was trying to find a hole in the unfortunate take he was spinning.

"Well yeah, but I think Foggy is kind of the prob-" he was cut off by loud noises coming from upstairs.

"What is that?" asked Bruce.

"Let's find out." The group left to go look for the source of the problem, leaving behind a very shaken landlord.
Foggy and Matt were in a very intense argument. It was actually more like one sided yelling. Foggy was really mad because the Avengers saw Matt hurt and was afraid they could figure out his secret identity.

"You're soo stupid, you know that right! Right!"

"Yeah I do."

"No I don't think you do! What if they found out!"

"They won't and if they did it would be fine," said Matt defensively. Matt wasn't worried, but Foggy was, so Matt decided the best thing to do was help Foggy blow off steam.

"It would be fine! It would be fine! No it wouldn't be fine! If they found out that the Daredevil was in this apartment right now what do you think they'd do!" Foggy took a swing and hit Matt. Matt let him, they both knew he couldn't do any damage.

"Holy fuck!" Matt and Foggy heard a voice say from outside. Foggy rushed to the window but no one was there, their eves dropper has left.

Matt and Foggy looked at each other in horror
"I'm going to kill Foggy!!" cried Clint, outraged, "He's the Daredevil and he's literally abusing his power!"

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