Chapter 3

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The Avengers team was gathered around a table that was full of papers containing information on both Foggy Nelson and Matt Murdock. There were news articles, security camera photos, and court documents.

The team was horrified about the conclusion that they had come to, the only possible conclusion. They had seen an injured Matt Murdock being hit by Foggy Nelson and then heard Foggy say that whoever Daredevil was was in the apartment. Only Foggy and Matt were in the apartment. There was only one answer, Foggy was the Daredevil and he was hurting Matt.

"I mean it makes a lot of sense, said Nat, "If Tony-not that he would ever- hurt Pepper, there'd be nothing he could do about it, he's a superhero. If Matt told someone, Foggy would probably hurt Matt even more. We don't know how far Foggy would go when he's extremely pissed off, he might even kill Matt to get him to shut up. Matt especially can't tell anyone because Foggy has a secret identity to protect, everyone Foggy knew would be in danger if his secret got out and if Foggy got put away, there'd be no one to protect Hell's Kitchen. There's nothing he can do about it."

"But we can!" exclaimed Steve. He hated bullies, especially those who were especially powerful and used their abilities wrongly. Right now Foggy was reminding him greatly of HYDRA fighters. Foggy was a "hero", but he didn't deserve to be one.

"Yeah, but we can't go about this rashly. We need to take our time so we don't make things worse," said Nat.

"Matt night not have time, he can't defend himself! If Foggy heard us last night that could be it!" shrilled Clint.

"Don't worry, I have a plan!" announced Tony. "Alright, Clint can watch Matt, Nat can tail Foggy, Bruce and Steve can find a way to meet Foggy as Daredevil, we need to unmask him, and I'll do some behind the scenes research. Make sure not to be seen, we can't have anyone notice us."
Matt was on the phone. "Yeah, sorry Frank but I need a favor. Yeah. Uh no, I don't think so. Yeah, got an injury, could be cover for me as Daredevil for a bit? I know, I know. Really, thanks so much, I owe you. I think the Avengers fought out my identity. When they see that I'm hurt and that Daredevil is still active, it'll throw them off. Thanks again! Bye!" Matt hung up.

"So you got Castle to cover for you?" asked Foggy.


"God, I'm sorry Matt, this is all my fault," apologized Foggy.

"Blasphemy and it's fine. Like I said last night, I don't really mind too much if they find out," said Matt. "Anyway could you hand me those crutches?" Matt had broken a leg patrolling as Daredevil, which although annoying and painful, provided the perfect opportunity for Matt to protect his identity. Matt didn't really care if the Avengers knew his secret, but it would stress Foggy out.
"Crap guys! He's got a broken leg! We shouldn't have left him alone last night!" Clint yelled into his comms furiously.

"Not so loud Clint, keep us updated. It's better than we have a good plan today then to messed things up yesterday," said Nat, who was following Foggy as he grabbed a bagel. "Foggy is acting completely normal."
It was the weekend, but Matt still came into work to finish up some stuff. He could hear Clint following him on the walk to the office but Matt didn't try to lose him. Once they saw the Daredevil and knew that Matt couldn't be patrolling with a broken leg, they'd forget what they heard, hopefully.

Matt had wanted to monitor Frank to make sure he didn't go too far or kill someone, but he couldn't with Clint watching him. So, Matt just resolves to wait by his phone so that he'd be ready to help if necessary.
"We have sights on the devil. He's beating up a group of muggers, should we wait or approach now?" asked Clint.

"Wait, we want him alone."

Steve and Bruce had come up with a plan to catch Daredevil and help Matt. In their research they learned of a nefarious gang that was currently having new recruits commit a wide variety of violent acts to be initiated. Bruce and Steve figures that if they couldn't find the Daredevil themselves, they should just follow the smell of trouble. Clint and Nat would follow the recruits and wait for Daredevil to show up. Once he did show up, Clint and Nat would attack from the sides and then Ironman would fly in and take the devil into the sky with him. Tony would de-mask Daredevil and threaten him with dropping him, he wouldn't drop him though no matter how tempted. The city needed Daredevil, so they wouldn't hurt him-too much-but they'd make sure that Foggy never hurt Matt again.

"He's alone"


Nat and Clint dropped down from their perches on top of Daredevil. He immediately looked up and swung at them. They all fought until Daredevil realized who they were. He stopped. "Wait! Why are you guys—" he was cut off my Ironman picking him up and flying into the sky.

"What are you doing? Put me down! What's going on? What did I do?!" Daredevil cried

"You know exactly what you did!" said Tony darkly.

"I don't—" Tony took off Daredevil's mask and proceeded to almost drop him.

"Fuck! Guys, Foggy's not Daredevil!" cried Tony.

"What?" everyone asked incredulously, looking at the man, Daredevil who was panting on the ground.

"Crap, Murdock's going to be pissed at me," the man groaned.


"Yeah, you know, the real Daredevil."
I hope that was okay, I just had to get that story out of my head even if it didn't turn out the best.

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