Chapter 4

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The Avengers and Matt were all gathered together in deep conversation to discuss the past nights events.

"You guys really though that Foggy was Daredevil?" Matt asked incredulously.

"I feel like such a fool," groaned Tony.

After hearing from Frank Castle that Matt, not Foggy, was the real Daredevil they decided to do what they should have originally done, talk about it to all those involved.

At the moment they were just talking to Matt at his apartment. His leg was still broken so he couldn't go Daredeviling and they had to meet him at his place. They didn't want to meet him at Matt's job incase they accidentally ran into Foggy. They didn't want to talk to Foggy yet. How would you start that whole conversation? 'Hey sorry we mistook you for a vigilante who was abusing your friend. Want to get ice cream?' Or 'How's it going? Good, Good. You know what, the silliest thing just happened. So we thought were Daredevil and we're hurting Matt and had all these plans on how to make your life absolutely hell.' Yeah, neither of those would work well

"I mean I guess you guys could have inferred that from what you guys heard from eavesdropping," Matt said.

"Yeah sorry about that too," apologized Bruce.

"Like, Foggy and I are similar heights and stuff, but he doesn't exactly look like the type to walk around in a leather costume in the middle of the night beating up bad guys," Matt continued.

"Yeah, it's so obvious now from hindsight," complained Clint.

"I understand Clint or Tony making such a mistake, but I am quite disappointed that I did too. I have been taught to always to never come to conclusions and to always make sure that I have all my facts before making a move," said Nat, upset.

"Oh lighten up! It's not like we hurt Foggy, I mean we almost did. We had all of these different plans on how to make his life a nightmare, but we didn't do anything," said Tony, triumphantly.

"Wait, if you thought that Foggy was Daredevil, why would you wanna hurt him? Yeah, I've been meaning to ask why you attacked Frank. He said that you guys said that he, or Daredevil, did something bad, but you guys are fine with me now," wondered Matt aloud.

"Yeah, about that..." trailed off Clint.

"We saw the fight that you two had and made the assumption that besides Foggy being Daredevil, he was also hurting you," said Steve.

"Foggy?! But he's a complete sweetheart. Yeah he got mad and swung at me, but only cause he knew it would actually do anything. No offense to Foggy, but think like a pissed off chihuahua. It's angry and might bite, but it's not a big threat. Wow, I can't believe that you guys thought that. Like, I get how you got to that conclusion, but wow! If he'd gotten hurt it would've been all my fault! You guys didn't threaten him or anything, right?" Matt asked, pacing.

"No, don't worry about anything of that. He's fine. He doesn't even know that we thought he was Daredevil. We were planning to confront him as Daredevil, but, as you well know, we confronted Frank instead. Speaking of which, we should probably apologize to him. What kind of food does he like?" asked Tony, rambling off.

"We should've talked to you," cut in Bruce.

"Well nothing happened and we are all on the same page now. All's well that ends well, as they say. I'm just really surprised, this is a big turn of events. I'm just sorry I made you guys worry and got Foggy dragged all into this. He doesn't like superhero business anyway. I really should have just told you guys the truth in the beginning, sorry," apologized Matt.

"So we're all sorry, good, we can stop saying sorry now and get some food. I'm hungry!" exclaimed Clint, who was promptly elbowed in the stomach, curtesy of Nat.

The group walked over to a nearby coffee shop where they decided to continue their conversation. They received many odd looks, 'why would the Avengers be in Hell's Kitchen with a blind man?" Not the best thing to do if one wanted to not bring attention to themselves, but it was better than to let the public come up with their own reasons for why the Avengers were at Matt's apartment. They'd let them think that the reason the Avengers were spending so much time in Hell's Kitchen was because of Tony's case.

"Now that we all know your secret Matt, what's the plan?" Bruce asked discreetly, siping his drink.

"Just continue on as usual I guess. I keep my day and night job pretty separate. We could just let each other know what's going, sometimes help each other out. For legal stuff and night stuff," said Matt

"Yeah, we'll probably need both kinds of help sometime in the near future. I'm looking at you, Tony," joked Steve.

"Hey!" Tony took great offense at that. "Think of it! You could be Matt Murdock, Superhero Lawyer Extraordinaire."

Matt laughed, "I don't think Foggy would be very happy if I did that! He's going to be pissed pff when I tell him I almost got him beat up by the Avengers. Anyway, if you get in any trouble, let me know!" Matt waved goodbye.

"Back at you. Send our apologies to Frank too! See you around!" they called back.

All's well that ends well and it's a plus if you get some new friends out of it too.

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