Chapter 10

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*1 Week Later* 

“Y/N, darling, what do you think about these flowers for the center pieces?” Nikki spoke, showing the young girl some pictures, she had seen in the Sunday newspaper. Y/N hummed in response, her eyes not leaving the window. It was a sunny, warm day in the countryside. The birds were chirping, wind was blowing, and all Y/N could think about was Tom. Even after everything that had taken place over the last few weeks, Y/N still managed to find herself thinking about the love of her life. Tom had caused her so much pain...she shouldn’t be thinking about him! But she couldn’t help herself...she loved him. He was the sun to her earth, the milk to her cookies......the man who broke her into a million pieces... 

“Oh, my goodness!” Nikki yelped, shaking Y/N out of her thoughts. “What?” Y/N said monotoned, turning to Nikki. “We haven't looked at dresses!” Y/N rolled her eyes before looking back out the window, ignoring her soon to be mother in law. “You sound like my mother” Y/N mumbled as she watched a bird fly up to the window sill. Nikki chuckled, taking a final sip of her tea, leaving no liquid in the flowered cup. 

“How are you and Harry doing darling? He's treating you well I hope” Y/N put on a big fake smile and nodded at the lady. “He’s been a real gentleman” She replied. Truth be told though...Harry and Y/N hadn’t spoken since they got engaged. He said he needed time to process everything.... but as the days went on...Y/N wasn’t sure if she would ever see him again.      


“Fuck in hell Y/N. What the fuck were you thinking?!” Harry yelled, while grabbing Y/N and dragging her into the nearest room. “I’m sorry- I panicked” She sobbed. “They think we slept together, and I got you knocked up!” He yelled back.  

Harry was pissed to say the least. I mean-...who could blame him? His family now thinks that he got his brother’s ex fiance pregnant. And to both of their surprise, both sides of the families were ok with it. Shocked at first, but they all eventually came around to the idea. 

“Harry please. I can't tell them what happened. You know what my father’s like-...he’ll- he’ll make it a huge thing and make it known to everyone what exactly his daughter went please- do this for me” Y/N said as she slowly walked over to the destressed boy. She grabbed both of his soft warm hands and lightly kissed them. A small blush crept on Harry’s face as he looked her in the eyes and sighed.  

“Guess we’re getting married” 


“Y/N... darling are you ok? You seem a bit out of it” Nikki questioned softly. She put the newspaper down on the wooden table, and grabbed Y/N’s hands, looking her in the eyes. “What? Y-Yes, I’m fine. Just thinking about things” She stuttered. “What sort of things?” Nikki asked, while getting up from her seat, and making her way to the kitchen. “Just-...never mind” “No seriously sweetheart...what’s going on in that little head of yours” Nikki smiled as she walked over with more peach tea. “I’m just thinking about-” “Thomas” Nikki interrupted. Y/N snapped her head to Nikki, wide eyed, as she stuttered out, “N-No I-I would n-never-” “Darling I know you. I’ve been by your side your whole life...I know that look you get when you think about my son” Nikki took a small sip of her hot tea. She looked at Y/n deep in the eyes, before Y/N gave in. “Have you talked to him recently?” Y/N questioned.  

Ever since the two broke off the engagement, Tom completely disappeared. And not like he walked down the street to stay at a friend's house. No. Not like that at all. Tom hasn’t been seen or heard from in weeks. We suspect he went down to his family's home in London, but no one’s sure.  His and my families have both written him letters, but nothing come back in return. 

“No, I haven't. He hasn’t made any effort to speak with us, despite us writing to him several times a day” She sighed. “Have you told him about-” “No” Nikki spoke, taking another sip of her hot drink. “You miss him, don’t you?” Y/N smiled as she looked down at her lap. “Is it that obvious?” Y/N blushed. “He misses you too” Nikki paused as she licked her lips before carrying on. “You are all he talks about. I bet you a million pounds that he’s thinking about you and ways to get you back” Nikki smiled. “Then why did he-” Y/N started but was soon cut off by the sounds of knocking at the front door. Nikki sighed before slowly trying to stand up, not before Y/N told her she’d answer the door.   

When Y/n opened the door, she was greeted by the mailman holding a letter. “Hello Marty” She smiled at the man in front of her. “Hi Y/N! I have a letter for you. Just came in today...I thought you might want to see it” Marty trailed before giving her one last smile and rushing away. Y/N scrunched her eyebrows in confusion as she looked down at the letter.... 

It was from Thomas.   


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