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The sounds of commotion filled Y/N's ears as she slowly woke up. Her eyes were still closed, but she could somewhat sense what was going on around her.

Eventually, Y/N slowly opened her eyes, to reveal that she was on her bed. She looked around her, noticing that it was only her mother in the room. But she was talking to someone. Y/N moved her head a tad to the left, immediately seeing that she was talking to the town's doctor.

"What do you mean she has it? Doc, she hasn't come in contact with any sick person" Mrs Y/L/N spoke with anger. "It's only just started. We don't know that much information, looks like she has it" The doctor spoke, glancing at Y/N. His eyes widened as he noticed she was already awake.

"Y/N!" Mrs Y/L/N screeched, walking over to her daughter's bedside. "How are you feeling?" She asked, taking her daughters hands in hers. "Not the best" Y/N admitted. "Where is everyone?" The girl asked, looking around the room in confusion. "Their in the livingroom. Do you want me to bring them in?" She asked softly. Y/N nodded her head. Mrs Y/L/N smiled once more before leaving the room and bringing back the Holland's and the rest of the Y/L/N family.

"Hi sweetie" Nikki was the first one to come over. Y/N shook her head as she smiled. "Not the best, but I should be good in a few days, right doc?" Y/N said looking to the doctor. She was expecting the doctor to agree with her, only to see him sigh. "I think we better talk" He said moving a tad closer. "It's probably best that some leave the room" Doc said as he looked at everyone. Everyone looked at each other before leaving. The only people who stayed were Mr and Mrs Y/L/N and Tom.

"What's wrong?" Y/N questioned. Her voice croaked as tears started to brew. "You have the Spanish Flu" The doctor said. Everyone's, except Mrs Y/L/N and the doctor, eyes widened. "S-She has it?" Mr Y/L/N stuttered as he looked at his daughter with fear.

"What's the Spanish Flu?" Y/N asked. "It's a sickness that we believe start in Spain during the War. It never really became a problem until it spread" "Is there anything you can do to help me?" The doctor shook his head. "I have a baby!" Y/N yelled, as sobs escaped her mouth. She tried to get up and walk over to the doctor, but Thomas pushed her back down to her bed. Y/N turned to Tom and pulled herself in his chest. "P-Please-, no" She cried.

"Doc you need to do something!" Mr Y/L/N yelled, going over to the doctor and grabbing him by the shirt. "My fucking daughter and her baby are dying! Do your fucking job and help her" He spat. "I can't. There's absolutely nothing I can do" he stuttered, avoiding eye contact with the scary man in front of him. "Then tell us how she got it" Mrs Y/L/N spoke, while pulling her husband away. "She must have come in contact with a soldier who's been sick"

Everyone looked at Tom.

"No it can't be him. He would have symptoms by now.... is there anyone else who fought in France?" The doctor looked at Y/N with his eyebrows raised. Nobody said a word, as they all tried to think of someone who might of possibly been affected.

That was when it hit them.

"Harrison" Y/N gasped. "Harrison...and has this Harrison been sick?" The doctor asked. Y/N shook her head. "No one's seen him in weeks...not after..." Y/N trailed off as she looked at Tom. He nodded his head, signalling that he knew what happened.

"Ok well it's best I go contact some people. Make sure he's checked on" The doctor said. He then glanced at Y/N. "I'm sorry" He whispered. "I wish there was something I can do...but I can't" He grabbed Y/N's hand and rubbed it. "Goodbye" Doc said.

It was supposed to be a goodbye to everyone...but they all knew it was directed to Y/N....because he knew there was no way he'd see her again.

As soon as the doctor left, the room sat in silence.

No one said a word.

After a few minutes of silence, Mrs Y/L/N faced her daughter. "We'll give you two some alone time" She said, walking out of the room, her husband trailing behind her.

When the door closed Tom immediately started to cry. "Tom..." Y/N started, but Thomas shook his head. "N-No please....let me speak first" He sobbed.

"I am so sorry.... I have caused you so much pain because of my shit actions. I was a drunk boy who missed the love of his life....and those feelings made me do things I will never forgive myself for. I'm sorry...and I know sorry will never mend our relationship, but....I just want you to know....I still love you" Thomas sobbed. "Fuck- I never stopped loving you....when you broke of the engagement...I thought my life was over. I thought I'd never see you again. So I left.... I left to clear my thoughts. Then when I came back....I felt complete when I saw you. I felt that hole in my heart heal" Thomas paused, debating if he should say the next line.

He took a deep breath before pulling Y/N closer. "Now...I'm losing you...and I won't be able to get you back" Tom finished, looking at the crying face of Y/N.

She sighed with a smile on her face before speaking. "What you did...was terrible. You hurt me so bad Tom. You took a part of me and ripped it apart right in front of my very eyes....but even after all that you did....I can't stop loving you" She admitted. "I tried to move on from you, but I couldn't....I won't" Y/N breathed. "It was no secret that I loved you. Everyone knew how much you meant to me....but me. I never really knew how much I couldn't live without you...until I lost you. And as cliche as it sounds...I love you....and will always love you" Y/N finished.

Tom looked her in the eyes for a few seconds before crashing his lips on hers, bringing her into a passionate yet perfect kiss.

They kissed for a few seconds, before Y/N pulled away. "What are you doing Thomas? I'm gonna get you sick" Tear slipped her eyes. Tom only smiled, wiping her tears away before placing another kiss on her lips.

"I will do anything for you. I will always be there for you. Today, tomorrow and every single day after that....I love you and I am willing to do anything to be with you...." Thomas kissed Y/N'S lips once again, before pulling away and smiling at her.

"You know the saying.....Love Is A Battlefield"


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