Moonlight on Ba- Beacon Hills

716 26 14

AN: Sorry for the long wait. College sucks. That's all.


"How was school?" Hayley asked.

Today was her daughter's first day of school. Again. Ever since... it happened the two have been moving regularly. It was too risky to stay in one place for too long. Especially if someone became suspicious. The only normality they had in a while was the few quiet weeks in New Orleans over the summer. For the few weeks they were home. It was as if time stilled, and there was nothing else outside of that Mikaelson Mansion. No danger, no threats, no death.

She knew how much Hope loathed moving. But it was truly for the best.

"Eh," Hope said, rummaging through the fridge.

"What's "eh"?" her mom was on a black stool on the opposite side of the brownish-orange marble kitchen island.

"I don't know mom," she replied with tiredness in her voice, "I didn't get into any trouble, made it to all my classes on time, and now have a but-load of work to catch up on."

"Pass me a blood bag," Hayley said softly. She didn't like seeing her daughter this way.

"Already on it," She said with a forced smile, handing the pouch to her mom while she took a sip of her own glass of orange juice.

"AB, my fave," She said, smiling at her daughter.

"Overall, the school is pretty good. I know I'll understand the material."

"Perfect, so honor roll this year, right?"

"Yes, mom, I'll try," Hope said with a genuine smile this time.

"Just saying, if you studied your schoolwork like you do those grimoires, you would be valedictorian," Hayley replied, taking another sip of her blood bag.

"Okay... so how about instead of going out, we stay in. I can get a head start on my studies." the young girl tried to sway her mother.

"Nope, change your clothes I'll be waiting in the car," Hayley spoke.

Hope started towards the stairs. Once out of sight, rolled her eyes and kissed her teeth

"I heard that!" Hayley shouted from the kitchen.

"I know!" Hope called back.


"Turn" Hayley ordered.

The pair stood in the same mysterious forest they've passed an array of times on their way to and from the airport. The yellow light of the full moon illuminated the night sky, fighting its way through the densely packed green giants. The wind seemed to sing an eerie tune as it played on the leaves of the trees. The sounds of animal life joined in a chorus echoing through the earth.

"I'm... trying," Hope groaned between heavy pants.

"Not entirely. You don't want to give in because you're afraid of what the wolf will do."

Hayley replied.

"I don't... want... to hurt... anyone". The loud sound of breaking bones filled the air. Hope was on all fours with a blanket draped over her bareback.

"We're miles away from the nearest road, and I'm a hybrid," Hayley said, crossing her arms.

Hope remained still.

She sighed. "Hope I love you, and I know you will not hurt anyone. Trust me. And most importantly, trust yourself." Hayley stooped down and looked into Hope's glowing electric blue eyes. She revealed her own eyes. Blood-red and paired with black veins of bloodlust underneath her eyes. The face of a hybrid. A vampire-wolf alpha.

Marshall not Mikaelson (Being rewritten atm)Where stories live. Discover now