They say pussy is power and I use it to my every advantage. Bliss is my name thotting is my game and my pussy run shit with no muthafukin shame. I tell people all the time I'm a low key rapper. A lot of haters like to shrug me off but fuck em that's...
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"So what she say?" Zeek asked as I came in from out back
"It's a boy right?" rah stood up cheesing
"I didn't call"
"What? Nigga I'll call her" zeek grabbed his phone from the table
"I called Mom"
"Why you call mom?" Rah asked confused
"Because I don't know what to say to her... I said some hurtful shit to her last time we talked..."
"Mom coming here?" Zeek asked
"You told her about the baby?"
"Nah I just told her I needed to talk to her. She said she's in the area already"
"Well, I might as well get comfortable" rah laid back down on the couch
"So what you say to bliss that she ain't gonna speak to you?" Zeek asked
"That's her name?"
"Tajasi but she go by bliss at least that's what she told me"
"Wow.. I can't believe I'm just now learning what my baby mother's first name is" I sighed
"Technically Jasi is her name just shortened"
"Shut up zeek... She lied... That's FACTS" rah said
"I know nigga I'm just trying to keep nept from going off"
"I'm good.."
"He good zeek" rah smirked
"What you say to her?"
"Nothing good bro... I was drunk and pissed the moment I saw her"
"Damn... You think she gonna ignore you"
"I know she will..."
"She won't nigga obviously she loved you more then she gave a fuck about me or zeek. I knew that the moment zeek told me she hesistated" rah said
"Hesistated? What you mean?"
"Zeek .. tell him"
"I asked her who she was in love with and she hesistated when I asked about you. She was in love with you or still is I dont know. That's why I let her go..."
"See... I'm just saying nept. Make it work" rah suggested
"... Nope... Nah I can't... I can't" I tossed my hands up and started pacing back and forth.
"Why not? Because of our dumb ass rules? If we both weren't your brothers would it have mattered?" Rah asked