Chapter 1: Dragonfly

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Author's Note: Yup, you're seeing this right. This happened with us late one night. It was then my last-ditch effort to publish the SlugTerra: The Mystery Of The Missing Shane chapter Spider Web Trail, though this story is a different version of the event. Now on with the story.

Eli and the Gang were staying up on a Friday night. Trixie was on her computer, Pronto was playing his own video game, Kord was playing fetch with the slugs. And Eli was reading a book. Then a dragonfly came buzzing in the house. It irritated Trixie and Eli, so they sent it buzzing off to Pronto, who ended up losing a game because the dragonfly landed on his dog-like nose. He groaned as the other three, with the slugs, laughed. "That's not funny!" He yelled. The mole shook his head when they laughed harder. Then Eli yawned and looked at the holo-clock. It was now 11:58 on the clock. "Time to call it a day, guys." He said. The gang went to their own respective rooms.

Trixie fell asleep quickly. But she later woke up to the unmistakable sound of bzzz in her ear. The dragonfly flew into her room and wouldn't stop pestering her, so she took her pillows and blanket and gently woke up Kord. "Hey, Kord, can I set camp temporarily in your room?" Kord granted her permission to stay. But Kord felt the annoying critter land on his cheek and bite him hard. "Ow!" He said loudly. "Let's go to Pronto." He suggested. So they took their pillows and blankets and headed to the mole's room.

He was snoring loudly, so they thought it was no use waking him up. They took their sleeping bags and settled of the floor. But it wasn't long before, wait for guessed it. The dragonfly came back. They woke up to Pronto saying, "You little pest!" Trixie and Kord groaned. "Ugh. Only one choice left. We'll need to go to the Shane."

They gathered their things and tiptoed to Eli's room. He was found sleeping on his side, facing the wall, so they settled down. As of Eli, whose slugs were sleeping on his pillow, he was having a nice dream that ended nastily.

I was back to the past. The 15-year-old me looking at the 13-year-old me. Burpy and I were enjoying the springtime. Flowers sprinkled Mom's garden, grass covered the entire landscape and butterflies were fluttering everywhere. It was a lovely sight. A black-and-blue butterfly landed on my finger. I sure wish Dad was here, I thought. It's only two years before Burpy and I can make the Drop and pick up where he left off. Sure wish he could see how fast I had grown. This was life on the Surface.

Then the butterfly bit me. Wait, it bit me? Since when do butterflies bite! Unless... Eli woke up to constant sting-like bites. The dragonfly was there, nipping on his finger. That pest was already annoying the Shane Gang way too much. They were being robbed of sleep. "Oh, come on!" Pronto exclaimed angrily. "That annoying little brat pestered us nonstop!" Trixie complained. Eli simply opened the window and let it out.

Relieved, the others went back to their respective rooms. But they heard Eli groan loudly. They knew that the dragonfly had returned, so they slammed their pillows on their ears to muffle the noise. But the ruckus died down soon, since Eli led the annoying bug out the window and slammed it shut. But it was no use going back to sleep, since his alarm went off.

The only ones who had a fitful 8 hours of sleep were Burpy and the other slugs.

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