Chapter 2: Stranded

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The cliffs were peaceful. Nothing bothered the native Arachnet slugs who went down from their webs. But the silence was broken by a loud vhroom and a flash of white, followed by two whirlwinds of dark purple.

Locke and Lode ran after their suspect. That morning, he snuck onto the SlugTerran Express and released 30 cages worth of slugs. Arachnets, Frostcrawlers, Armashelts, Flaringos, Fandangos, Tazerlings, Vinedrills and many others had managed to escape, but this guy wasn't so fortunate. He was wearing an orange-and-grey hoodie over grey pants. "Hands up, you...Hey!" Lode started, but was cut off by the sight of orange on his shoulder. "Get him! He's wanted by Dr. Blakk! #1 on the 'Most Wanted' list!" He yelled. Locke scoffed. "How do you know he's one of them?" He asked sarcastically. "He ain't even look wanted!" He noted, nudging him. "Duh! He's the one with the rare Infurnus!"

Burpy was never more scared.

"Hey! I didn't see that Infurnus a while ago! If we lose the slugs, we could hand him over instead to Dr. Blakk! Great idea!" Lode said. Eli grinned. "Sure, you can hand me over to Dr. Blakk." But just as they reached for his raised arms, he jumped and did a backflip outside the Express. "Come on! You said we can hand you over!" Locke growled. "I'm not finished. I meant, 'You can hand me over to Dr. Blakk only if you can catch me!"

Now they were in the middle of a chase, with Burpy praying that Eli would make it home in one piece. Chiller was keeping a close watch at the back with Spinner spitting webs in desperation to land at least one or two on either face. It was all blown away by the wind. They were heading for a valley which had only stacks of rock that could only get someone merely halfway across. They managed to make it through the stacks of rock, but it all collapsed before it could be saved. Eli used Chiller to make another ice pole thick enough to hold a Mecha-Beast. The pole held sturdily. But before he could make the next shot, he groaned. He had dropped his blaster.

That wasn't the end of their problems. Locke and Lode on the other side started mocking the poor Shane. "Lost your blaster? How you gonna shoot your Frostcrawler now, Eli Shane?" They taunted. Burpy hated those two for making his slinger look like an idiot. Do they even have any idea I'm the son of Will Shane? Eli thought. Well, let them see for themselves who they're messing with. They don't have any good slugs that can beat an Infurnus, let alone a Shane like me... Then he felt the ice crack. So he had to try.

Back at the hideout, Trixie was getting worried. Eli wasn't home yet when he should have been three hours earlier. Then there was a distress call coming from Cobra Canyon. She checked. Nope, it was only a joke. Played by the brothers who worked for Dr. Blakk. But she looked closer. To her horror, she saw a cracked ice stack, a white wolf Mecha-Beast, an Infurnus freaking out beside his blaster-less slinger...wait, an Infurnus? "Oh no!" She said. "Eli's in trouble!" She set off for Cobra Canyon, leaving Kord and Pronto in stunned confusion.

It was another three hours' ride to Cobra Canyon, so by the time she got there, the sun was setting and the boys had returned to Dr. Blakk. Eli was swimming in and out of consciousness because he was dehydrated. Beeker wasn't enough for him to recover, so he was glad he saw Trixie on the other side. "Trix! Am I glad to see you!" He called to her. "I'm glad to see you too!" She called back, shooting her Arachnet (what's his name?) to create a bridge for Eli to cross on. "Whoo! What a day!" He said. "Let's head home in time for dinner."

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