Chapter 4: It Wasn't Me, It Was The Black Molenoid

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They traced the patterns of the robber and noted that he struck when residents aren't home or when he was sure there was no-one in sight. At night, he could loot a whole cavern or the whole mall. But it's not just riches he was after, which explains why he strikes 24/7. He also slug-napped the wild slugs even around the Hideout. Apparently he wasn't afraid of the great Will Shane, let alone Eli.

But what mystified them was the Shane Star on his shoulder guard. Was he a former ally of Will or Eli? One way to find out was to spring him at his next target. They investigated further and found that he will strike Caverna Mall again. So they got planning. He's most likely going to have an accomplice who will sneak in and disable the alarms. So Trixie was to rope in Officer Milford to assign her as the camera-watcher. Once she had eyes on the accomplice, she had Kord trail him and watch him as he disabled security alarms. Then Pronto would tell mall guards to leave the back door unlocked after it was closed to make it look like the guards were clumsy and inexperienced.

That night, when the whole mall was to close, the gang would walk to the mall and enter through the back door. Then they would hide in places they knew the thief would most likely go after. They would each have a beeper that they would use. The red light indicates a serious problem. The yellow one said, "Stand by, here he comes." Green told them it was the perfect time to spring him. Eli was to be in the hardware department, Trixie behind the escalator, Pronto in the back door parking area while Kord was on the roof.

They hid in many parts in the mall after it closed. Blasters cocked, slugs sharp, and senses alert, Eli waited for the mole to make his move. They heard the opening of the back door. "You go there and be the lookout. I'll head upstairs. Trixie heard and pressed the red button. Eli took the message. They would have to spring them as soon as possible. Kord snuck in and went to Trixie. "This should go according to Eli's plan," he whispered. He grinned. "I have an idea. Trix, how good are you at kidnapping?" She answered with a cheeky grin, "Expert. What do you say we do some policework?" She put on her silencer and loaded her Arachnet. He was tied and blinded by the webs allowing Kord to drag him under the escalator. Then he said, "Let me go!" They gasped. "You?!"

Eli was able to spring the mole with Spinner and Chiller and realised it was only Sedo who had been robbing and slug-napping. He confessed that he had also kidnapped Pronto and forced him to work as his accomplice otherwise he would be handed over to Dr. Blakk and his slugs would be ghouled. "He reluctantly agreed on the condition that there would be no hurting anyone and strictly no usage of ghouls given the amount of firepower they carry." He confessed.

"We've been nabbing the whole caverns and when I came to report to Dr. Blakk, I said he had turned against. He wanted to deny it, but I would've been in serious trouble so I webbed his mouth." They handed him over to the mall cops, who took Sedo to jail. As they rode to Stalagmite 17, Pronto declared, "Well, am I glad that was over." He turned to the gang. "I'm sorry. Really. I promise I'll never leave the Shane Gang again. Right?"

Trixie put a hand on his shoulder. "Pronto, as long as you're with us, it sure won't happen again," Kord promised. Stinky and Burpy embraced in delight. It had been two long months since they last met. "Aren't ou slugs so adorable?" Kord asked. Eli nodded, then yawned. "It's a long night for us. I'm so tired I want to ride back home." Pronto put his hands on his hips and shook his head. "Dream on, Eli. We're riding home, right?" He asked slyly. "Yep." Kord simply answered. "And the Mecha-Beasts are where exactly?" Trixie added. "He looked around. Burpy did an adorable face-palm. "Oh, right." They laughed and started walking home to their beloved Hideout.

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