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They continued with their sightseeing the following day. Liam herded them around in Milan. He had made a  schedule. They just played along, knowing their friend too well. Niall became very excited when they came to Peck, a delicatessen. He ran around and bought all types of ham and cheese that would feed them for weeks but they left him alone, knowing how happy it made him.

Harry was confused. If he didn't know better, it seemed like Louis was flirting with him. He didn't know why though or if he just made it up. He was very subtle about it, a touch here and a compliment there. Louis was really messing with his head but he played along. 

Later that evening they decided to go out to a club. Harry spent some extra time fixing himself, pretending it wasn't for a certain blue-eyed man next door. They all gathered in the living room for a pre-drink before they headed out. Harry gulped from the sight of Louis. He was showing off his tattoos and his hair was in a quiff. He was gorgeous. Zayn let out a wolf whistle.
"It looks like you two are on a mission to pull tonight."

Harry noticed that Louis was checking him out.
"Maybe." Louis answered with a smirk and winked at him. What the hell was going on?

Liam had googled clubs and they had decided to go to one of the more popular ones. They managed to get a booth when they came inside and Niall went to buy the first round of beers. The music was loud and the place was crowded. Harry looked around. Maybe he should pull tonight so he could get Louis out of his head? He most certainly didn't want to see Louis pull someone tonight so he should occupy himself. For now, Louis was sitting next to him so he didn't have to think about that right now.

Niall came with the beers and Harry reached for a cup and started to drink. Yep, he was getting drunk tonight as well. Forty minutes and four beers later a girl came up to Louis and Harry gritted his teeth and took another swing of his beer. It was hard to have a conversation due to the loud music and the girl leaned in to say something in Louis's ear. Harry tried his best not to glare. He saw Louis shaking his head and the girl walked away, looking disappointed.

Louis smiled at him instead. What was going on? Wasn't he suppose to pull tonight? The girl was a good-looking brunette, even he could see that. He turned to Louis and had to lean in so Louis would hear him.
"Why did you turn her down? She's cute!"

Louis put his lips against his ear to answer and the touch made him shiver.
"I'm not in the mood to pull a girl tonight."

Oh God, Louis was gonna pull a guy? Harry didn't know how to handle that. He didn't answer. Louis leaned in again.
"Come on, dance with me!"

Dance? Shit! Harry nodded his head and followed Louis to the dance floor.
Louis started to do some silly dance moves like 'stop the traffic and let people through' and he laughed. Louis grinned at him and turned around and started to bump his ass against his crotch. Harry froze. Louis turned his head and rolled his eyes with a smirk. He reached for his hands and put them on his hips before he continued with his bumping and grinding. Harry swayed to the music, trying his best to avoid getting hard.

Louis turned around and put his arms around his neck and they swayed to the music together, staring into each other's eyes. Niall came jumping up to them all of a sudden and they broke free from each other so they could dance with the Irishman. Soon Liam and Zayn joined them as well and they stood in a ring and danced together. Harry had a great time even if he was bummed that his and Louis's dance had been interrupted. Having Louis grinding him was a dream come true.

They danced and drank together for the rest of the night. Harry didn't try to pull at all and to his surprise neither did Louis. He turned down every girl and even more surprisingly, guy, that tried to hook up with him. He did the same thing. He wasn't interested.

When they finally took a cab back to the house they were all drunk but Niall was the only one who was obnoxiously drunk but they were used to it. Zayn and Liam helped him to bed and said good night. He was alone with Louis.

Louis tilted his head to the side and smiled. They walked to their bedrooms. He said good night and was about to open his bedroom door when Louis grabbed his arm. 

He turned around.

Louis scratched the back of his head and took a deep breath.
"This is probably a really bad idea and I don't blame you if you say no but like..." He hesitated.

"Yeah?" Harry said encouragingly.

"I haven't had sex with a guy since before El and I have been thinking about it a lot lately..." Louis started off and Harry held his breath. Was Louis about to say what he thought he was about to say?  

"And, like, you're super attractive, I always thought about hooking up with you, to be honest, and we're both single. I know we're friends and I don't want it to get awkward but it would just be sex you know. Ehm..."

Harry stared at him with his mouth hung open. Louis wanted to have sex with him? He couldn't find the words.
Louis blushed.
"Right, forget it. I'm sorry Harry. Bad idea. Good night."

"Yes." Harry managed to get out. It was probably the worse idea ever but he couldn't pass on a chance to finally know how it would be to have sex with Louis. He had imagined it so many times.

"Yes?" Louis asked with a smile.

Harry nodded his head.

He took a hesitating step closer to Louis who did the same. When they were close enough to touch Harry leaned down and put his hands on Louis's neck. He caressed his cheeks with his thumbs and pressed their lips together.

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