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Louis sighed and messed up his hair from frustration. Harry just stared at him with eyes side open.
"It was never just sex for me Harry. Okay, I won't lie, maybe the first few times but it changed quickly."

Harry gasped and so did a few other people around in the room, including their best friends. If it wasn't just sex, then....no, he would let himself get his hopes up.
"You're everything to me, Harry. I can't believe I didn't realize it sooner. I'm fucking stupid, okay? You're so beautiful and kind. You're funny and bighearted and I love to hear you laugh or see that gorgeous smile of yours. You have a fucking great dick! I'm sorry for this information but I guess if I'm gonna make a complete fool out of myself I better just get it all out there. You're amazing Harry." Louis said and smile.

Harry was tearing up. Where was Louis going with this?

"I'm in love with you too." Louis said softly.

Harry clasped a hand over his mouth, tears spilling over.
"I know you loved me longer, but I promise I from now on will love you harder. I will love you fucking more." Louis said emotionally with teary eyes.

Harry couldn't get a word out. He watched Louis walk over to him in a trance. Louis looked down at him with a smile.
"If you'll have me?"

Harry immediately reached out and pulled Louis down on his lap.

Louis let out a breath of relief and they connected their lips and started to kiss softly and sweet, too consumed to hear the round of applauds that filled the whole room. They didn't break free until they heard their best mates shout "Yes!" "Finally!" and Louis hid his blushing face in the crook of his neck. Harry caressed his back and hair and held him tight.
"I love you." He whispered in Louis's ear.

Louis looked up with a bright smile. There was so much love present in his eyes.
"I love you too baby." He answered softly and leaned in to kiss him again.

Niall, Zayn, and Liam stood around them all of a sudden.
"Oh my God! Guys!" Liam said excitedly.

"I'm so happy for you." Niall chipped in with a huge grin.

"Me too!" Zayn shouted.

Louis and Harry laughed.
"Thanks, guys!" Harry grinned.

"That was one hell of a speech Lou!" Liam smiled.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I did that to you. It's your wedding day." Louis apologized.

"What? It was the best wedding speech I ever heard. It made us all cry." Liam said.

"It was perfect." Harry answered softly and got lost in Louis's eyes.

"You're perfect baby." Louis replied equally soft.

"Aaaaw, they're so cute!" Niall cooed.

"When did this happen? We need to know all about it!" Zayn said.

"Later." Louis promised before he raised Harry's glass to make a toast. "To love!"

Everybody clinked their glasses together and shouted "love." Louis took a sip of the champagne before he put the glass against Harry's lips so he could drink as well.

"Well, if Louis and Harry can tear away from each other for a second it's time for the bride and groom's first dance together." Zayn announced.

Harry gulped nervously. Louis pecked his lips.
"You'll do great. You're amazing baby."

He could really get used to Louis calling him baby. He loved it! Harry walked over to the small stage and grabbed the microphone.
"Can Mr. and Mrs. Payne please come to the dancefloor? This one's for you. I love you both!"

"You love Louis more!" Niall shouted with a face-eating grin.

"Different kind of love mate!" Harry chuckled.

He looked over at Louis who was smiling at him brightly. He had a hard time comprehending that the man of his dreams loved him back, finally after ten years of agonizing pining. It was worth every second of it if it meant that he could have Louis in a way he'd always hoped for. Just the thought of it made him emotional.

Liam and Chrystal had made their way to the middle of the dancefloor and the song started to play. Harry took a deep breath at began to sing.

Sometimes I wonder
How I'd ever make it through
Through this world without having you
I just wouldn't have a clue

Harry felt more confident after the first verse and the fact that Niall, Zayn, and Louis whistled and smiled at him with their thumbs up.

Cause sometimes it seems
Like this world's closing in on me
And there's no way of breaking free
And then I see you reach for me

He didn't break eye contact with Louis. This might be Liam and Chrystal's wedding song but he sang it all to Louis.

Sometimes I wanna give up
I wanna give in
I wanna quit the fight
And then I see you, baby
And everything's alright
Everything's alright

When I see you smile
I can face the world, oh oh
You know I can do anything
When I see you smile
I see a ray of light, oh oh
I see it shining right through the rain
When I see you smile
Baby, when I see you smile at me, oh yeah

Louis was smiling brighter than the sun.

Baby, there's nothing in this world
That could ever do
What a touch of your hand can do
It's like nothing that I ever knew

The dancefloor started to fill up with other couples. Niall and Zayn had snatched a bridesmaid each and danced beside each other. Louis came walking up on the stage to stand behind him. Louis wrapped his arms around his waist and leaned his chin against his shoulder.

And when the rain is falling, I don't feel it
'Cause you're here with me now
And one look at you, baby
Is all I'll ever need, is all I'll ever need

When I see you smile
I can face the world, oh oh
You know I can do anything
When I see you smile
I see a ray of light, oh oh
I see it shining right through the rain
When I see you smile, baby
Baby, when I see you smile at me
Sometimes I wanna give up
I wanna give in
I wanna quit the fight
Then one look at you, baby
And everything's alright
Everything's alright, so right

Harry finished the song and everybody clapped their hands. He took a bow before Louis spun him around to kiss him. They slow danced and kisses when the DJ continued to play songs. Harry was so happy he could burst.

When the wedding party was over Harry and Louis went to Louis's hotel room together. This time Harry topped and it was emotional and wonderful for both of them. After they both came Louis put his arms around him and cuddled him until they fell asleep. This was how it was supposed to be. Harry felt so loved and safe and cared for.

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