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Their two weeks vacation together was coming to an end. They had a great time all five of them, bathing, sightseeing, and just hanging out. Louis had continued to come into his bedroom at night to fuck him into oblivion. They had so much sex and it got better and better. Harry loved it but he hated that Louis always walked out after. It made it crystal clear that Louis was only in it for the sex. He couldn't stop tho, not when he finally knew how amazing it was. He had even agreed on a friends with benefits kind of thing when Louis moved to London because he couldn't say no to Louis. He had never been able to say no to him. He knew that it would destroy him eventually but he couldn't think about that now.

They said their goodbyes after they landed on Heathrow but it wasn't that hard this time. They all knew that they would see each other again in two months at Liam's wedding. Louis gave him one last hug.
"I'll call you as soon as I get to London, okay?"

"Okay." Harry agreed.

Harry went home and laid in bed for the rest of the day. He was emotionally drained. Two weeks went by without a word from Louis. He didn't call him either. He didn't want to be perceived as clingy. He worked, went to the gym, and stayed at home. He was in a funky mood. He missed Louis.

Louis called on Saturday on the second week apart. Harry's belly immediately erupted into butterflies.
"Hi mate!" Louis greeted cheerfully.

Harry cringed at the word mate.
"Hi, Lou. How are you?"

"Great! You?" Louis answered.

"I'm fine. What's up?" Harry replied.

"Well, I'm in London now. Are you busy today? Do you wanna help me unpack?"Louis asked.

"Yeah, I'm free. When?" Harry answered. The butterflies came alive again from the prospect of seeing Louis.

"Is an hour too soon? I can make dinner for us as well." Louis replied.

"Are you gonna cook?" Harry chuckled.

"Come on! I can cook now." Louis whined.

"If you say so. See you in an hour." Harry answered amused.

Louis gave him his address before they hung up and Harry memorized it before he rushed to the bathroom to take a shower.

He stood outside Louis's door an hour later and took a deep breath before he knocked. Louis opened it all smiling and gorgeous.
"Hi, Hazza! Come in!"

Harry followed him inside and took a look around. Louis had pieces of furniture but the place was filled with boxes as well.
"I started with the kitchen supplies. Figured I would need them if I'm gonna make dinner." Louis smirked.

"Smart." Harry said with a wink.

They walked into the kitchen and Harry helped him fill the cabinets with kitchen supplies. Most of it was brand new. It took them an hour to clear the boxes and to put everything away. When they were done Louis sat down at the kitchen table with a huff.
"This is boring!" He complained.

Harry laughed softly.
"But now we're done with one room at least. Wanna continue?"

"No! Thanks for the help Harry but now I just wanna hang out. Make some food, maybe drink some wine?" Louis replied.

"Sounds good." Harry agreed.

Louis got up to get a bottle of wine. "Red or white?"

"White." Harry answered and went to get two glasses.

Louis opened a bottle and poured them some wine. Harry took a glass and raised it.
"A toast for your new life Lou!"

They clinked their glasses and took a sip of the wine. Louis was giving him that look. So this was where this was going.
"So how can I help you?" Harry asked.

Louis raised an eyebrow in response.
"With the food Louis!" Harry answered amused.

"I'm cooking! But I guess you can make the salad if you'd like?" Louis asked and Harry nodded his head and fired off a dimpled smile.

He could see Louis's pupils dilate. He liked his smile? Interesting. Louis got up and headed to the fridge to take out the vegetables. Harry found a cutting board and a knife in the meantime. He smiled another dimpled smile as a thank you when Louis handed him the vegetables. Louis's eyes got darker and he wet his lips with his tongue. Was it that easy to turn him on? He just had to smile? Harry was intrigued. His eyes traveled down to Louis's crotch and he smirked.
"Are you doing okay there?"

Louis rolled his eyes.
"That fucking dimple smile gets me every time."

"Is that so?" Harry teased.

"You're gorgeous and you know it. Moving on! I'm gonna cook us food first." Louis said and laughed.

A half-hour later they were seated across each other at the table and Harry tasted the food that Louis had prepared.
"This is actually good!" He complimented after he tasted it.

"Don't sound so fucking surprised. I told you that I have learned how to cook." Louis sassed.

"I'm impressed!" Harry answered with a grin.

They talked about Louis's new job that he was starting on Monday while they ate. When they had finished their meal Harry got up to take their plates to the sink. He had merely put them down before Louis spun him around and crashed their lips together.

They somehow ended up in the bedroom and got rid of their clothes quickly. Twenty minutes later Louis fucked him into the mattress and they both came a while later.
"I missed that." Louis panted out when they were both laying on their back, trying to catch their breaths.

Harry's heart sank in his chest. Louis had missed the sex, not him. He had to remind himself constantly that this was just sex for Louis. Sex and friends, friends who had sex. Nothing more, nothing less.
"Yeah. I guess I'll be heading home then. Call me?" Harry answered, trying his hardest to keep it casual.

"Yeah, maybe we can do this again on Friday? I guess I'll be busy at work on my first week but I'll call you if I get some free time. Sounds good?"

It sounded awful. Six days without seeing him?

Harry got up and walked to the bathroom to clean himself before he put his clothes back on.
"Bye Lou."


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