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Harry was absolutely destroyed. He felt humiliated and embarrassed and most important, completely heartbroken. Louis didn't love him. He knew that already but he had been holding on to this delusional hope that Louis would fall in love with him somewhere along the way but of course he hadn't.

He called in sick from work and spent two days in bed crying his heart out. Louis didn't call or text but he didn't expect him to anyway. That's why he was surprised to get a text on the third day.

We need to talk.

He didn't want to have the pity talk. He decided to give Louis one final answer.

We have nothing to talk about.

He turned his phone off after that. Ten minutes later there was a loud knock on his front door.
"Harry! Let me in!"

He stayed quiet as a mouse. Louis knocked on the door for fifteen minutes and then it seemed like he had given up. He knew he would come back, because he knew Louis. He decided that he wasn't gonna be there by then. He jumped out of bed and put on the first thing he could find. He found a bag and threw some clothes inside. He made sure to bring the suit to Liam's wedding as well. Shit! Liam's wedding! Louis would be there! He couldn't think about that now. He had to deal with that then. He couldn't just bail on Liam but hopefully, he had managed to build a strong enough wall then that would help him through that night. It was a big wedding. He would be able to avoid him and Louis wouldn't make a scene among so many people.

He grabbed his bag and car keys and left his apartment. Louis wasn't lurking somewhere outside. It was his lucky day. He got inside his car and started to drive home to Holmes Chapel.

His mum was surprised to see him but welcomed him with open arms. He put his bags down in his old room with a sigh before he went downstairs to join his mum in the kitchen. Ten minutes and a cup of tea later he told his mum everything. Well, he left out the details about the sex but otherwise, everything just flooded out and his mum hugged him hard to comfort him.

Going home was exactly what he had needed. He spent time with his family when they weren't at work and when he was by himself he tried to practice the song he was gonna sing at Liam's wedding. The days went by fast and it was time to leave for Wolverhampton and the wedding.

He made sure that he would be there in time but just in time. He didn't want to be cornered by Louis before the wedding. He arrived thirty minutes before the wedding started and he knew that Liam would be furious at him but this was the best he could do. Liam came running up to him as soon as he walked inside.
"What the hell Harry!"

"I'm sorry Liam. I'm here! What can I do to help?" Harry responded and avoided eye contact.

"Are you okay? I've tried to call you for a week but your phone has been shut off. No one knew where you were! I've been worried sick!" Liam said with a frown.

"I've been at my mum's. No need to worry." Harry replied, dodging the question.

Liam opened his mouth to respond but Zayn, Niall, and Louis came running up to them.
"Harry!" Niall shouted.

Oh God. Louis was as beautiful as ever. The black suit he wore made him look astonishing. Harry threw him a quick glance before he forced himself to look away.
"Can I talk to you in private Harry?" Louis asked.

Harry met his eyes for a brief moment. He looked worried.
"There's no time for that. Come on, guys! Let's get this man married!" Harry answered and clasped Liam's shoulder.

He was such a coward but he couldn't deal with Louis right now or ever. He just wanted to sink through the floor from embarrassment.
"But..." Louis started to protest but Zayn cut him off.

"Harry's right. We need to get to the altar. Come on, guys!"

Harry felt relieved. He followed Zayn and Niall down the aisle and made sure he stood as far away from Louis as possible.

The ceremony was beautiful. He could feel Louis's eyes on him the whole time but he never looked back. He focused entirely on Liam and Chrystal and he cried a little when they said yes to each other. It was beautiful.

He threw rice at them when they ran outside and he didn't have to fake his smile. He was so happy for one of his best friends. He saw that Louis was approaching him so he quickly turned around to talk to Liam's parents.
"Harry!" Louis said behind him but he ignored him.

He switched place with Zayn at the head tables so he was sitting next to Niall instead of Louis. The boys seemed confused about it but they didn't question it and he ignored the look Louis was giving him. He chatted to Niall instead while they ate and listened to the speeches that were held.

Louis clinked his glass and stood up. He seemed nervous.

"Hi everybody, I'm Louis Tomlinson, one of Liam's best men and I was asked to make a speech today. It's a great honor. I've known Liam for ten years now. We met in Uni where we shared a dorm room and we have been best friends ever since. The stories I could tell you about this man but I'll save him from the embarrassment. I'm happy for you mate! You and Chrystal share the kind of love I hope I'll find one day."

He took a deep breath before he continued.
"For the next part I apologize but I messed up and I have to fix it."

Harry's jaw dropped. He couldn't? Not here!

Louis turned to face him.
"Harry." He said softly.

Harry shook his head. No! How the hell could Louis do this to him? Like one rejection wasn't bad enough? Now he had to be rejected in front of all these people as well? He couldn't decide what to do. He should just get out of the room, but his limbs wouldn't move. Louis continued.
"I'm so fucking sorry, okay? I should never have run out on you but I was in shock from what you told me."

"Don't!" Harry whimpered.

"You need to fucking hear this! I've been a complete mess this week and you won't talk to me." Louis almost growled.

Zayn, Liam, and Niall were staring at each other with their mouths hanging open. What was going on?

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