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It had rained heavily that night and the air was cool. Vasundhara Bakshi entered the room to see her daughter sleeping peacefully on her bed. It had been so long since she had watched her sleep, the last time probably being when she had been in school, even though she was upset about Heer's breakup, she was glad that she was here with them. Heer had informed her about landing a job at the Raivhand's, she had seemed very happy to have gotten the job and Vasundhara too was happy but her happiness was twofold. She was of course happy that her daughter has found the job that she was looking for, but she had also about the two young and handsome owner of the company from her friend who were looking for suitable suitors for their daughters, and when she heard that her daughter would be the personal assistant of one of them, she was hopeful, at least she was praying that they might be smitten by her daughter.

Well, Heer wasn't unexceptionally beautiful but she was beautiful in an unconventional way standing at 5'3", she was shorter than most girls these days but it didn't seem to affect her charms. She wasn't skinny, she had more skin than majority of the girls but she wasn't fat either, Vasundhara liked to call her chubby. She had eyes that shone like gem which had made her father name her the same, but what stood out the most among everything was her nature, she was an extrovert with her friends and the people she felt comfortable with, always standing up for the right, friendly and bold but what was truly inspirational was her kindness, more towards animals than human though.

Heer had slept in late than usual, probably from all that she was going through Vasundhara thought. She made her way to the edge of the bed and slightly pulled on the blanket. Heer tossed in her bed before opening her eyes. As soon as she saw her mother standing beside her, she faintly smiled at her, thankful that she had woken her up. She sat upright on her bed and instantly her mind reminded her she had to be at work that day.

"Oh shoot." She muttered before hastily walking into the bathroom. Vasundhara smiled knowing her daughter had recollected the information that she was here to give. She walked out of the room, turning around once to take in the look of the room which had remained unchanged throughout so many years.

Breakfast was served, Heer stumbled down the stair making her way to the table, she knew her father had already left for his work and she was already running late on her first day of work, she didn't want to upset the boss though she knew that the bosses usually came in much later than their assistants. Still, not wanting to take a chance she grabbed a piece of toasted bread from the table that had been laid out for her and ran for the door.

"Have your breakfast at least." Vasundhara called worried about her daughter.

"Later mum." Heer shouted from the door, turning the knob and exiting without saying another word.

Heer's cab pulled up in front of her new office, paying the cab driver she pulled the sleeves of her ironed shirt up to reveal a round dialled silver watch. She was just a few minutes late. She quickly walked over the reception to ask about Marla.

"Hello, I am Heer, I start here today." she said nervousness filling her like the previous day. "I am the new assistant." she said trying to prove her authenticity.

She wasn't sure if it was only her imagination or the receptionist was actually giving her the stink eye as soon as she heard that she was the new assistant.

"25th floor." she replied harshly and instantly going back to whatever she was doing on her phone.

The door of the lift opened to reveal a spacious floor. A few employees working away on their computer in their respectable cubicle. At the end was the CEO's office. The glass walls were opaque demarcating the inside world from the outside. Heer was taken aback by the thoughts of working at a place like this. She knew this was a huge step in the direction of her goals.

Heer exited the elevator walking towards the last cubicle on her left having spotted Marla earlier. She was glad that the elderly lady was there to help her on her first day of work. She had heard from Garima that her boss was a strict man, often harsh and ruthless, when Heer had called her to tell her about her new job. She didn't think being strict was necessarily bad, it only mean that he wanted his work done to perfection. Garima couldn't have been more excited at working with best friend. Though they were in different departments and different floors they could still see each other often and always catch Lunch together.

"Good morning Marla." Heer said flashing the elder lady a big smile.

"Good Morning Miss. Bakshi, I hope you have a great start at work." the old lady said handing Heer a bunch of heavy files. "Your first task is to hand them these to the boss. His office is the one right in front of you." she said gesturing to the large room with glass walls.

Nodding, Heer strode over to the entrance of the office. The words "Aarav Raichand, CEO and Chairman" was embellished beside the door.


I knocked on the door fidgeting and when permitted entered inside. I hadn't expected to be greeted by such a luxuriously furnished office but who was I kidding, he was probably one of the richest men in the state, or maybe the country. A figure stood in front of me, his back facing me. He was dressed in a formal suit, standing a little shorter than the other guy from the interview. I instantly knew that this was not the same person. This person's presence was more daunting than the other one, I felt intimidated under his presence without him even looking at me.

I nervously shifted on my feet, standing very close to the door. He turned around and his appearance made my breath hitch. His muscular body could be made out even from the thick layer of clothing that he wore, his hair was a beautiful colour of brown, almost chestnut, his face was sharp and chiselled and his eyes were like he had fire in them. I felt a lump form in my throat and I forgot why I was even there.

"Who the hell are you?" he said breaking my trance.

After struggling much under his glance and feeling the lump in my throat growing bigger and bigger, I finally managed to croak "I am Heer, I am taking Marla's place."

I saw him flinch at my words as if I had said something to cause him immense pain. not understanding, I looked at him perplexed which he was quick to notice.

"Why are you so surprised then." he asked still glaring at me as I held the files closer to my chest feeling as nervous as I could ever be.

"I thought I would be working for someone else." I lied indicating that I must have though working for the person who had actually interviewed me. I saw a smile curl up his lip.

"My brother." he said and I nodded keeping silent, staring at the floor.

"Am I not handsome enough for you?"

My eyes quickly shot up from the ground to see a smirk on the person standing in front of me. I felt disgusted at his question and wondered if behaved the same with everyone. He was still smirking, and I was sure he could sense my discomfort which was now entertaining for him.

I closed the gap between up, walking straight towards him. I saw his eyes light up. I sensed that he thought that I was like the other girls who probably threw themselves at him, and that his remark would make me do the same, would make me profess how handsome I found him, but he was wrong. I was inches away from him, then walking past him I kept the files given by Marla on his desk. Turning around I saw him already facing me.

"The files that you had asked for." I said motioning to the files that now laid on his desk., I saw the rage in his eyes and I knew we were off to a bad start, exactly the opposite of what I had hoped for.

"Also. I will be with Marla if you need me." saying that I walked past him and out of the door.

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