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Heer walked out of the office carrying a big pile of files that Aarav had given her to go through, he wanted to make sure that she was concentrating on her work and not on Abhimanyu. She was sure people were already talking about her hearing whatever had happened to her inside. She saw Abhimanyu approaching her, not knowing how to react she stood still near her cubicle wiping away the tears that had fallen from her eyes. 

"Hey, what happened inside? Why was he screaming?" Abhimanyu asked concern in his eyes not exactly knowing what else to ask.

"He was pissed for my poor performance." Heer lied biting the inside of her cheek.

"What did he say? Ayushman asked rubbing Heer's back trying to console her as he feared she might be soon be crying again."

"The usual stuff." Heer lied again not wanting to reveal whatever had happened inside. Heck, she didn't even know this guy enough to tell him her personal problems but Aarav already linked her to him. "I will talk to you later, I should get back to these." She said showing Abhimanyu the pile of file now sitting on her desk. Heer wanted to avoid him for the time being, she didn't wanna risk incurring the wrath of Aarav Raichand again.

Garima was calling Heer for the fifth time now. "Where are you Heer, lunch is getting cold." she said siting at their usual spot in the cafeteria.

"Just a minute, I am almost done." Heer replied packing her belonging in the bag she carried.

Heer was late for lunch as she was busy working on the files that Aarav had handed her in the morning. She was hell bent on finishing the work that day itself to prove her worth. She hurriedly walked to the elevator trying to make it to the cafeteria as soon as possible. She was inches away from the elevator call button the the loud door clicked open. A very beautiful girl came out of the elevator, she was pretty but she had the same skimpy clothes like those of Raima. Heer instantly knew that she was here to see Aarav.

Confirming her suspicions, the girl asked her while playing with her hair "Where can I find Aarav."

"The door right infront of you." Heer said gesturing to the huge glass door and faking a smile at her. Not wanting to waste anymore time, she hurried away without waiting for the girl to reply.


Aarav was sitting in his office, it had been a few days since he had been with no girl ever since he made Heer break up with Raima for him. He had mentally laughed when he saw her face after he broke the news to her that she had to breakup with Raima for him. Well, he could have done it himself like he had done with the millions of girls that he had been with till now, but where was the fun in that. Aarav had no idea why but he loved making that little girl Heer miserable. For instance, what had happened in the morning, how he had purposely called her in his office after Ayush had informed me about Heer and Abhimanyu and lied to her that they didn't allow workplace romances. Infact, he didn't give a damn about the personal life of his employees and what they did until it affected their performances .He liked seeing her in trouble and better he loved being the cause of her trouble.

Ayush had left soon after Heer had gone and Aarav was bored. He quickly unlocked his phone and opened Tinder, messaging some random girls out of the thousand girls that matched with him. Most of them replied back instantly and having chosen the one he wanted to fuck, he gave them the address to his office and asked them to come at lunch time for a quick session. Having done that he quickly unmatched the girl not wanting to be in contact with her ever.

"Heer, will you tell me what happened." Garima asked squeezing her friends hand reassuringly. Heer sat in the cafeteria, her food almost untouched thinking about the events from that morning. She was disturbed for being blamed for something that she didn't do.

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