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Heer was going over her contract and work with Marla when they heard the elevator door open and loud heels clank against the floor. Everybody in the room, just like they had, lifted their eyes from whatever work they were doing to take in the presence of the new comer. A slim, tall girl walked in dressed in the skimpiest of clothes, which were totally inappropriate for the place she was walking into. Heer and Marla exchanged knowing glances and smirked at the same time.

The girl walked out of the elevator, she checked out the office that she was standing in, then flipping her hair she walked straight to the door where Aarav's office was. Marla knowing Aarav didn't like to be disturbed while he was working immediately tried to stop the newcomer.

"Excuse me Ma'am, you cannot go in like this. Do you have an appointment?" Marla asked in the most professional tone that I have ever heard.

The girl glared at her, and I was sure Marla would be dead by now if glares could kill. The girl's expression quickly changed as she composed herself and smirking, she said "Do you even know who I am?" She now grinned at Marla and proceeded to answer the question herself. " I am his girlfriend and I have every right to go in." Saying that she walked past Marla, pushed open the door and vanished inside.

Aarav was on his desk going through the files that the new girl had left him, thinking about her.

What as bitchy attitude she has. I don't know how long I can put up with her.

He thought to himself, He found it hard to focus on the work at hand and found his thoughts wandering back to her. He shook his head trying to get the remaining thought out and, laying the files in an imaginary order, picked up the first in the line. He had just opened the file to the first page when he heard the door to his office open with a huge band.

"What the." He said while his head shot up only to come face to face with Raima. He was in no mood to talk to her after last night. "I am working right now. We'll talk when I get back home." saying this Aarav went back to the file that was in his hand.

"How the fuck can you do this to me?" Raima screamed at the man sitting in front of her but Aarav payed no heed and gave her the cold shoulder not bothering to reply. Unable to tolerate Aarav's treatment, Riama took quick steps to the opposite side of the table where Aarav sat, and in one quick motion grabbed him by his collars. She shook his vigorously asking him for answers. "How can you fucking treat me like this?" "And you never call me Raima, I am Rii for you. Don't you remember or are you already fucking someone new?" "Huh? Is she good? Is she better than me in bed?" Raima threw these questions at Aarav not even waiting for him to answer.

Aarav held Raima's hand which were at his collar with his own and ever so lovingly called her by her nickname "Rii."

Hearing him call her with voice filled with so much love Raima immediately released Aarav from her grasp and pulled back her hands, almost regretting the scene that she created. She looked at Aarav, his voice might had been loving but his eyes were filled with rage.

"Get the fuck out of my office." he screamed with his lungs making his office tremble. Raina looked at him to protest but before she could say anything he screamed once again. "Now!"

The entire office was murmuring among themselves hearing the roars of their boss from inside the cabin and they already knew things hadn't gone well. Heer was dumbfounded to witness something like this on the first day of her work and she prayed that it wouldn't be the case every day. She didn't know what she would do without Marla. The girl from earlier emerged from inside the cabin and Heer could notice the mascara stains on her cheeks from the crying she was doing. Seeing her everyone went back to their work not wanting to embarrass her any further but the pride in her steps showed that though heartbroken she was no less proud of herself.

Before entering the elevator, she turned back. "You filthy old lady, it was all because of you." she said pointing at Marla.

Heer had wanted to sympathies for the girl but her snarky remark and her proud nature made her dislike the girl even more. Marla had gone back to working on her computer unfrazzled by what the girl told her.

"Hey Marla, I am so sorry about whatever happened. You are okay right?" Heer asked looking at her with love and care.

Marla was about to answer when the glass door opened, Aarav Raichand stood beside the door and addressed Marla. "Send the new girl in." Even though Heer stood right beside her, he pretended that she didn't exist and went back to his office. Heer looked at Marla nervously and having understood her she nodded asking her to go in.

Heer knocked on the door, entering she saw Aarav pacing around his office. She stood there silently waiting for his instructions, Silence loomed inside the room until Aarav finally broke it.

"What's your name?" He asked turning around to face him and Heer felt herself shiver under his gaze.

"Heer Bakshi." She said trying to look back at his confidently but failed miserably. She noticed the smirk that played on Aarav's lips and was sure he was up to no good.

"Miss Heer Bakshi, I suppose." he asked wanting to confirm her marital status and Heer nodded.

"Well, Miss Heer, I have a work for you. Your first task at Raichand Industries and I hope you will not disappoint." he said looking intently at Heer, who vigorously nodded her head, happy that she would get to show off her skills and maybe get appreciated for the good work that she does.

"Good, now take down a number for me." Aarav said and Heer obliged. Opening the notepad, she had carried with herself she began taking down the number he had just given her. "Now break up with her for me. Her name's Raina." saying this he walked back to his desk, seated himself in his chair and dived back into the pile of files on his desk that I had left earlier.

Finally gasping what just happened Heer began to protest "But, that's your personal matter, and I am here for a professional cause."

"Do you want this job or not." Aarav voice came from within the piles and then his head slowly emerged. Heer could see the determination in his eyes and knew it was a threat and he wouldn't think twice before firing her, she chose to remain silent accepting her defeat.

"You can now leave." the same voice instructed and without uttering another word Heer turned on her heels and exited the office.

Marla was eagerly waiting to know why he had called Heer in. No sooner had she come out of the office and into her cubicle than Marla flooded her with questions.

"He wants me to break up with a girl for him. Also, I am supposed to do it over the phone." Heer told her, still starting at the number in her notepad and she didn't seem to be surprised.

"What kind of man asks his assistant to breakup for him." Heer said it out loud unable to contain her thoughts.

"He does. I have broken up with tons of girls for him. You'll get used to it." Marla said as if it was something, she did every day.

"What do you mean tons of girls." Heer asked her eyes widening unable to contain her surprise.

"Honey, Aarav Raichand is a heartthrob, he is a womanizer. He is with a new girl every day and that required breaking up with the previous one, which we do for him." Marla informed her.

And at that moment Heer knew that she didn't like Aarav Raichand, and she would always dislike her boss, which would make her job more difficult.

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