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Morning came speedily and quickly. The girls woke up at 5 a.m. in order to get breakfast and make it to the airport in time for their 9 a.m. flight. The dancers would be leaving earlier than the boys and the production teams. Everyone was wrapping up and recounting the memories. "Remember when I slipped and fell into J-Hope?" A girl recounted as they sat in the lobby eating breakfast. The dancers laughed loudly at the memory. Stella chuckled, shaking her head and eating her pancake. "Oh man, remember when Namjoon accidentally hit me in the head with the soccer ball? So hilarious!" Another guy spoke. The atmosphere was light but Stella's heart was still heavy. She wondered about Jimin. Was he thinking about her?

She fought the urge to text him. She wanted to see him one last time. She suppressed a sliver of hope in her heart that he'd tell her to be his. That they could work through it. Suddenly, her phone vibrated. It was Jimin.

Please Stella...could you meet me at my hotel room? Room 717.

Stella jumped up, flashing a look at Izzy. Izzy's confused expression was replaced with a knowing glint as she nodded. Leaving her bags with Izzy, Stella quickly walked to the elevator and pushed "7". She tousled her big curls a bit and rubbed some chapstick on her lips.

Questions filled her mind on the elevator ride. Her heart beat rapidly as she waiting for the elevator doors to reopen. It took longer than it should, or maybe it was her nervousness. Finally, she exited onto floor 7. She found the room and knocked gently. The door opened swiftly, revealing Jimin's wild eyes and his dark blue hair gelled back.

Stella's heart skipped a beat. He was so beautiful. Oh why was she such a stupid girl? Jimin quickly pulled her into an embrace and held her tightly. He then tugged her into the suite. He stood awkwardly and quietly as Stella waited for him to speak.

"I wanted to see you before you left." He finally muttered.

Stella's heart pounded.

"Here I am." She scanned his eyes, searching for any sign of decision.

"I know we will part ways after this, Stella. I wanted to leave on good terms."

Stella's heart dropped. She knew not to hope.

"Fine." She muttered emotionlessly. "We're fine, right?" he whispered.

She smiled painfully.

Jimin sighed, reaching for her.

Stella yanked her arm away.

"All you have to do is tell me you want me and I will stay Jimin. We can make it work. Just fight. Tell me you want this as much as I do." She couldn't keep her voice from raising. "Tell me it's not just me feeling this! Tell me you want to experience this, that you want to give us a fair chance! " Stella exclaimed.

Jimin's face was pained. His temple flexed as he clenched his jaw, looking away. The door opened from one of the rooms in the suite to reveal Jungkook, who poked his face out, filled with shock. Stella's eyes remained on Jimin. "Just say it Jimin. All you have to do is say the word."

"I..I can't Stella. I'm sorry." Hot tears filled his eyes.

"Then goodbye, Park Jimin."

Stella left as quickly as she came.


Stella cried on the flight home. She painstakingly decided in her heart to forget.

STELLAR (P. Jimin)Where stories live. Discover now