Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

The following morning, I woke up and found myself in Niall's arms. I guess I had fallen asleep while we were watching TV so Niall just spent the night with me. Since he was still sleeping, I carefully moved out of his arms and got dressed without waking him and decided to go down the street to a coffee shop to get us breakfast.

I walked into the cute coffee shop named Heavenly Expresso and quickly skimmed the options before walking up to order the food.

"Oh my god." The barista said when I walked up. "You're Elanna Lillian!"

I looked at the barista in shock, "Wait.. You know who I am?"

"Yes." The girl said, nodding her head in excitement. "I've watched you on YouTube and have a bunch of your songs. You are amazing!"

"Aw, you're so sweet!" I said with a grin. "I'm honestly really shocked cause I haven't expanded my career outside of the States.. And wow." I was completely taken by surprise, she was the first person who had known who I was during my visit to Ireland and it honestly made me feel sort of special.

"I was wondering.. And it's totally fine if you say no, but normally on Wednesday nights we have a live performance. We have a singer who comes in with their guitar and performs, but the singer we had scheduled for tonight is sick and we don't yet have a replacement. So if you're up for it, it would be really awesome if you could fill in for her." The barista, whose name was Jessica as I realized from looking at her nametag, asked me.

"I would love to!" I exclaimed, "But I don't have my guitar here with me..." Another person who looked like the manager walked out from the back room. "Oh, Eric! This is Elanna, she is a famous singer in the United States. She may be able to perform here tonight." Jessica said to her manager.

He looked over at me and grinned, "That's fabulous! We would love to have you, and if you can I'm sure that we'll be able to find a guitar for you to borrow."

"You could borrow my sister's, she isn't even in town." Jessica offered. I nodded appreciatively at her and said, "Well then I'll be here a little before 7!"

Once everything was settled, I ordered my coffee and Niall's tea along with 2 muffins and a scone. I quickly made my way back to the hotel and balanced everything in my arms as I slid the key into the door and stepped into the room.

"There you are!" Niall exclaimed, "And you brought food!" He jumped up and grabbed his drink and the bag of food. He went and sat down on the couch and I plopped down next to him, taking out a muffin for myself.

"So Niall, I was talking to this girl who works at the coffee shop and on Wednesdays they normally have people perform but their person is sick so they asked me if I wanted to do it." I said, casually picking at my muffin.

"Really?" He asked, looking up from his food with raised eyebrows, "Are you gonna do it? I think you should."

I gave him a small smile as I nodded my head, "It's from 7 pm till probably like 9-ish I think. I'm actually really excited."

Niall gently pulled me to his chest and fed me a bite of the scone. "I thought you didn't want to expand your career outside the US?" He asked me. I shrugged and said, "It's just a coffee shop.. But who knows, I wouldn't be surprised if my manager ends up having me expand my music to the UK soon."

"Even if you don't want to?" Niall asked as he sipped on his drink. I just shrugged, "It's not that I wouldn't want to, I just haven't decided to."

"I'm going to stalk you later." Niall said randomly. I shot him a weird look and he blushed, "Like I'm going to stalk your YouTube or Vevo or something like that!" I laughed and ruffled his hair, "Okay babe, you do that."

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