Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

Picking up my glass, I quickly downed what was left of my beer before putting it back down on the bar. Lucky for me, the bartender wasn’t on my side of the bar, but on Niall’s side.  I took a deep breath and stood up from the stool I was sitting on and gathered up my phone.  I had only had one beer so far that night, but it takes more than two beers to get me drunk, and I hate being drunk in public.  I walked over to the other side of the bar to order another drink, cleverly maneuvering myself so that I was leaned up against the bar right next to Niall. 

“Can I get a beer?” I called out to the bartender, getting a nod in response.  He placed the beer down in front of me and I quickly dug around in my purse for my money until I heard a thud on the bar and a cute Irish voice saying, “Here ya go, for the pretty lady.” I looked up to see the bartender taking the money laid out by my drink, then I looked to my left where a cheeky Niall Horan was smiling at me. I couldn’t help but blush as I said, “I could’ve paid for that..”

“I’m sure you could’ve, but I wanted to.” Niall said with a shrug, his smile still spread across his lips, “What’s your name love?” I was slightly shocked, and a little flustered, by the fact of who it was that I was talking to, but surprisingly I was able to stay calm.  “I’m Elanna.” I said, replying with a smile. Niall mused over that for a few seconds, almost smirking. “Elanna.. that’s pretty, I like it.” I laughed and picked up my beer, taking a sip as I looked away from Niall so that my face didn’t turn a darker shade of pink.  

I swallowed and turned back to face Niall, who was drinking from his beer and sneaking a look at me. When I looked at him, he blushed and quickly glanced away, causing me too laugh. Had he really just blushed because I caught him staring at me? I laughed lightly and shook out my hair, “Thanks for paying for my drink.” I said, after I realized I had never actually thanked him. “You’re welcome.” He chuckled in response as he took another sip of his own drink.

 For the next few hours, I hung out with Niall in the pub. We danced for a little while on the dance floor, with jealous girls shooting me dirty glares.  I just shook it off, not letting it ruin the fun I was having just because a few girls in skirts that had their asses hanging out were jealous because I was dancing with Niall. For the rest of the night, we sat in a booth and just spent our time talking and laughing.  Surprisingly, I found it so easy to be comfortable around him and openly talk and joke around. Eventually I decided to check my phone, “Shit it’s already 3 am!” I said with a small laugh, looking up at Niall.

“Damn, I hadn’t even realized it got so late.” Niall said, quite shocked. I nodded in agreement, “I should probably go.. I don’t really know my way around Mullingar and I’ll be lucky to find a cab to take me back to my hotel.”

“Where’s your hotel?” Niall asked, “I could probably give you a ride back to it.”

“Oh really? I’m staying at Stratum.. At least I think that’s the name.” I said, shrugging a bit since I couldn’t really remember the name.

Niall laughed, “Yeah, Stratum. I know where that is, come on I’ll give you a ride.”

I followed Niall out of the pub and to his car which was parked in the parking lot. The ride to my hotel was pretty quiet, my body and mind were starting to realize just how tired I really was as I stifled a yawn.  After about 15 minutes of a mixture of silence aside from the music playing softly and the small remarks we made, we finally pulled up in front of my hotel.

“Well, I had fun tonight, I’m glad I met you.” I said, turning to face Niall, a small smile on my face.

He nodded in agreement, “Yeah, I’m glad I paid for your drink.” He laughed a bit, causing me to laugh also. Niall pulled out his phone, and then said to me, “Hey do you think I could get your number?” I nodded and he handed me his phone, the screen already set to a new contact. I entered in my name and number and then handed him back his phone.

“Thanks for the ride, I guess I’ll talk to you later.” I said, then I leaned over and kissed his cheek before stepping out of the car. Before closing the car door, I noticed that Niall was blushing, which made me smile.

Sighing happily, I headed into the hotel and went up the elevator to get to my hotel room. I threw my phone down on the bed and got ready to go to sleep. I changed into my pajamas and headed into the bathroom, washing off my make-up and brushing my teeth. Afterwards, I shut off the lights in the hotel room and turned on the bedside lamp, before sighing and plopping down onto the bed. I picked up my phone and smiled when I saw a text message from an unknown number.

Hey :)              I laughed as I read the message, assuming it was Niall, adding him to my contacts.

I’m going to take a wild guess and assume that this is Niall?(;

  Oops, I guess I forgot to include that.

Ya, just a minor detail haha.

Just a bit(; so did you make it to your hotel room alright?

Yes! Gosh have some faith in me, it’s not too hard to go up an elevator and find a hotel room haha. Are you at home already? Or are you texting and driving? :O

No, no! I’m home, I’m sitting on me bed right now.

Well that’s good, I wouldn’t want to be the cause of the Niall Horan getting injured!

Niall and I texted for a while longer until I felt like I couldn’t stay up any longer and was about to pass out.

Well I’m about to fall asleep, so I’m gonna go to sleep. Night(:

I sat there for a few moments waiting to see that he was responding, but he wasn’t I sighed and put my phone down on the nightstand beside me. Just as I was reaching out to turn off the light my phone lit up and began vibrating, indicating that I had an incoming call. I smiled as I saw that Niall was calling.

“Hello?” I asked, answering the phone and sounding rather confused.

“Hey.. It’s Niall.” I heard him say, sounding uncertain. “I know that, I do have called ID!” I said with a laugh.

“Well you sounded confused!” Niall said with a laugh, “Anyways I just wanted to call and say good night.”

A smile tugged on my lips, it was so cute that he felt the need to call to say goodnight. “Well good night then.”

“Hey Elanna, do you think that maybe I could take you out on a date tomorrow?” Niall asked, sounding slightly nervous.

“I’d really like that.”  I responded excitedly, “So I guess I’ll see you tomorrow night then?”

Niall groaned, “I don’t want to have to wait till tomorrow night to see you!”

“Well, in all honesty I’m probably going to sleep most of the day tomorrow considering that its already 4:15 in the morning.” I said with a chuckle. That seemed to reassure Niall cause he quickly responded saying, “Oh yeah! Me too, I’ll probably sleep till like 5 knowing me..” Niall said with a chuckle.

“Well then I guess I’ll just text you when I wake up, alright?” I said, “So good night, for the 3rd time tonight.” I added in with a giggle.

“Night beautiful.” Niall said before he hung up.

I plugged my phone into its charger before turning off the light and sinking back into the bed. I sighed happily and closed my eyes, quickly falling asleep. 

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