Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

The next day I found myself running through the streets of London, hand in hand with Niall as we squealed and searched for shelter from the heavy rain. “This way!” He exclaimed, pulling me down a street which led to a random neighborhood.  I didn’t bother questioning him since obviously I didn’t know my way around London plus I wanted to get out of the rain.   Next thing I knew I was being pulled out of the rain and into a small flat, being pressed up against the wall by Niall’s warm body. “Niii..” I giggled against his lips as they pressed down passionately against mine.

Niall hushed me with his lips, slowly moving them against mine. For a moment I got lost in the kiss but then I had to pull back, not that there was much room to move my head away. “Do you always go around, barging into unlocked homes?” I asked him once I managed to catch my breath. “Oh,” Niall laughed, pulling away and outstretching his arms, “Welcome to my flat!”

“Wait, this is your place?” I asked, not knowing why exactly I was shocked by this news. “It’s nice.” I murmured as I walked past Niall and looked around the rather small place. It wasn’t overly large but it wasn’t tiny either. He had the kitchen and a spacious living room that had the dining table settling between the living room and kitchen. Then there was Niall’s bedroom, a spare bathroom and a smaller guest room.

“Does it meet your standards?” Niall chuckled, watching me as I observed his flat. I turned to face him, nodding my head with a smile. “It’s just about as cute as you!” I cooed, slinging my arms around his neck and swooning up to kiss him. Niall pressed his lips down to mine softly, letting them linger there for a moment before swinging me off of my feet. “C’mon, let’s go be lazy asses on the couch.”

After a few hours of cuddling on the couch, drinking hot cocoa and watching TV, Niall decided it had been too long that he had gone without eating. “Hmm… How does Nando’s sound?” Niall asked me as he got off of the couch. “Well I’ve never had Nando’s, but it sounds fine to me.” I said simply, stretching on the couch now that his body wasn’t blocking the way of my legs.

I glanced up at Niall, seeing the wide-eyed look on his face. “Uh.. What?” I asked a bit nervously, looking side to side. “You’ve… N-never had.. Nando’s?” Niall asked me slowly, looking as if I had told him I ate a baby bird for breakfast. “No…They uh don’t have one where I live.” I said quietly, biting my lip.

“Well holy shit!” Niall exclaimed, breaking out of his shocked phase. “We’ve gotta get you some Nando’s – and fast! Oh god, how do I even choose what to have you taste for your first experience? Everything is so damn good! Oh – I know! I’ll just order one serving of everything!”

“Are you serious?” I asked him, raising an eyebrow, “You’re going to order every single thing on the menu?” Niall nodded his head with a wide grin on his face, “It’s going to be…epic.”

I sat on the couch, scrolling through my Instagram feed while Niall called up Nando’s to place his “epic” order. Not even ten minutes after the call, the doorbell rang and Niall sprung up from the couch. “Damn that was speedy! Actually too quick…” Niall said, mumbling something about how it probably wasn’t even the food as he went to answer the door. “Dammit! I knew it wasn’t the food.” Niall huffed once the door was open.

“Who is it?” I asked, getting up from the couch to see a soaking wet Alex and Zayn standing at the door, holding hands and shivering. “What are you huffing about? This is better than food!” I grinned, pushing Niall out of the way to let Zayn and Alex in, wiggling my eyebrows at my best friend.

“What are we eating? I’m starved.” Zayn said as he shed off his jacket, draping it over one of the dining chairs. “No, no, no, Elanna and I are eating. What kind of date is this if you’ve wound up at my place?” Niall asked, scrunching up his nose. I laughed, patting his cheek, “Babe, you ordered everything Nando’s has to offer…I think we have enough food.”

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