XV. The Wind Changes

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"Sometimes in life, a sudden situation, a moment in time, alters your whole life, forever changes the road ahead." Ahmad Ardalan, Baghdad: The Final Gathering


XV. The Wind Changes

The last time Sophie had accepted a date, she had been seventeen, and Beck had said, "You're bangin', Soph. Let's go out." She had giddily agreed to that. She was not even sure if sitting in a living room of a flat that Beck shared with three of his mates while they all watched football even counted as a date.

She had been asked out on several occasions over the years. Her line of work meant that she was often in the eye of socially lubricated men. But she had never accepted. She had always put Maddie first. Before her career, and certainly before her love life. There had never been room for a relationship before.

She had not expected Noah to ask her out on a date. She had not even realised that he had feelings for her. But perhaps she was just terribly inexperienced at this sort of thing that she wouldn't notice.

Noah wasn't a tosser who got drunk with his mates. He definitely wasn't the sort of man to try to cop a feel while she walked past his table.

Oh, dear, why was she even thinking about Beck and every other loser that she had encountered at a time like this? Noah was standing in front of her, losing heart and confidence with every passing second that Sophie stayed silent, staring at him with her mouth agape like a bloody flytrap.

She knew the man that Noah was. She knew that he was different. Good different. He was ever so kind. The way he had connected with Maddie over the last few weeks had made her heart grow three bloody sizes to the point that sometimes it didn't feel like it could fit in her chest. He was not only good to Maddie, but he was so sweet to her. He had quickly become a very good friend to Sophie, and were it not for him, she would surely have gone mad in the wait to hear of Maddie's diagnosis.

Noah listened to her. She could unload her problems and stressors and he would come back with genuine, kind advice and reassurances.

He was gifted at what he did. Sophie didn't think she'd ever met a more talented person in her life. He liked to call her talented, but she indeed needed to hold up a mirror to him.

And he was dreadfully adorable. She would be lying if she hadn't caught herself smiling as his shaggy, dark hair, fell into his eyes when he concentrated too hard on a piece he was writing throughout the day.

Sophie realised that she liked Noah, too. Perhaps it had started the first time he had played the piano with Maddie. No, Sophie realised. It had definitely begun when she had first watched him connect with her daughter at the piano.

"You know what? Don't even worry about it," Noah said finally, his cheeks flushing as he held up his hands. "I'm really sorry if I've just made you feel really awkward. Forget I said anything. Don't even mention it. It's cool. I don't mind at all. Like, I completely get it –"

"Aren't you going to let me answer then?" Sophie asked suddenly, interrupting him.

Noah shut his mouth.

A smile spread across Sophie's face as a terribly excited feeling begun to swell in her stomach. Was she going to do this? Too bloody right, she was. "I'd love to go out with you," she accepted, "but I must tell you, I don't drink coffee."

Noah let out a staggered breath as he smiled with relief. "Coffee, tea, soda, water, I don't care," he said breathlessly. "Yeah?" he furrowed his eyebrows. "Are you sure?"

Sophie laughed. "Are you trying to talk me out of it?"

Noah shook his head. "God, no, I just ... I'm really glad you said 'yes', Sophie. I think you're something special, and I really like you."

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