XXXVI. Money Talks

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"As long as greed is stronger than compassion, there will always be suffering." Rusty Eric


XXXVI. Money Talks

Noah had never been more afraid in his life than when Sophie had called him in tears. Never could he have imagined what she was to say, and in that moment, and the days after, Noah could have killed Beck with his bare hands.

Who the hell did he think he was to put an innocent woman through something so cruel? What the hell was he getting out of it? He certainly didn't want Maddie, so what was the reward?

Noah had asked his attorney for the best family lawyer in the UK. He had recommended Olivia Hayes. She was a cutthroat shark, apparently, and often represented celebrities in their divorces and custody battles. She charged five hundred pounds and hour, and Noah was happy to pay whatever to ensure that Sophie went through this experience entirely unscathed.

Despite being frustrated that his mom, Tally and Vanessa coming had held him up at LAX, he was glad that the noise they created was a distraction for Sophie. Tally was even taking vacation days to be there for Sophie, not that Noah expected anything less of his sister.

Joy had wanted to take Sophie out for dinner the following evening, to treat her after her ordeal, but Sophie had to work. It came as a shock to Joy just how much Sophie did indeed work.

"Double shifts five days a week, and night shifts on weekends," Noah told his mom in their suite at The Savoy.

Vanessa had been papped at Maddie's school the day before, so instead of babysitting at Sophie's flat, Maddie was hanging out in their hotel room. The three were in Tally and Vanessa's bedroom watching a movie. Maddie's choice, of course. She was the first kid either of them had cared for together, even if it was only babysitting. While Tally taught all day, she'd never been responsible for a kid properly before.

They were enjoying it, and Noah was confident they would be good moms one day.

Joy's eyes went from the closed bedroom door back to Noah. "What about the song from the movie?" she asked. "Isn't she getting paid for that?"

"Of course," confirmed Noah. "But I negotiated a contract based on box office royalties, streaming and downloads. She'll get a much more lucrative cut that way."

Joy nodded in understanding. "Well, can't you help her out in the meantime?" she asked. "The poor thing shouldn't have to be working herself to the bone."

Noah stared at his mother, honestly annoyed that she thought he honestly didn't care enough to help. "Jesus, Mom, your faith in me is heart-warming," he said sarcastically. "Sophie's been on her own since she was nearly eighteen. She's taken care of Maddie by herself all these years, finding a way to pay for her therapy and everything. She's proud, and not at all in a bad way. I respect her work ethic, her integrity ... honestly, it's part of what made me fall in love with her."

Joy conceded. "Fair enough," she granted. "It just hurts me to think that she's having to work all these hours with this on her mind ... meanwhile that rat bastard is probably getting drunk on lite beer with his loser friends, laughing about this whole thing. Honestly, how his mother could let her son disrespect a woman in this way is beyond me. I'll tell you something, Noah, if this were you, you wouldn't survive a goddamn walloping from me."

Noah gritted his teeth. "He is a fucking asshole," he seethed. "What he's put Sophie through all these years ... to do this now?"

"Ordinarily I'd be asking you to mind your language, honey, but in these circumstances, I think it's necessary," Joy allowed, shaking her head.

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