XXI. Within My Grasp

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"In my darkest days, when I feel inadequate, unloved and unworthy, I remember whose daughter I am and I straighten my crown." Unknown


XXI. Within My Grasp

Noah wasn't sure if English people usually ate their hot meal at lunchtime, or if Sophie was preparing this special meal for him during the day as she would be working that night.

He wanted her to take the night off, especially after having a panic attack on Friday, but he knew she wouldn't, and he knew why. She needed the money. Noah knew broaching the topic of him helping her out was a bad idea.

In the long run, he knew that Sophie singing his original song would earn her more from royalties, but he quietly wished there could be a sort of signing bonus or something.

As he approached the front door of Sophie's block of flats, he wondered if he could get away with writing her a cheque and passing it off as some sort of bonus. Would that be right?

She was bound to find out, and would that only make things worse? He wanted Sophie to be able to trust him.

Sighing, Noah knew it was best to not bring up the subject of money. Sophie was managing as best she could. Her finances were her own business.

He texted Sophie to let her know that he was outside, and moments later he heard the lock on the door click, and he was able to pull it open freely. Noah then made his way up to Sophie's flat. Her door was open, and Sophie was standing in the doorway waiting for him.

She wore her hair down; it looked redder today, and it had a natural wave to it. She was dressed casually, wearing a light blue sweater over a pair of leggings, and her feet were bare. God, she was pretty.

Sophie's smile only grew as he approached, and it filled him with an odd sort of satisfaction knowing that it was his coming that was making her this happy. As soon as he reached her, Sophie stood up on her toes and placed a light kiss on his lips, and God, didn't he feel like a teenager again with a giant, old crush on the hottest girl in school.

"Hello," she chirped. "I hope you are hungry."

Noah could smell something delicious wafting through the air. "Famished," he replied.

Sophie led him inside her flat, and he could see that it had been compulsively cleaned. Even the pillows on her sofa had those catalogue home chops in them. If only she saw his own bedroom slash studio at Tally's place would she understand that he really didn't care if a space looked lived in.

Maddie was lying on her stomach in front of the television watching Frozen. She was so absorbed that she hadn't noticed Noah arriving.

"Maddie, aren't you going to say hi?" prompted Sophie.

Maddie looked up when she heard her name, and her face lit up as her brown eyes settled on Noah. She leapt to her feet and bounded across the living room, jumping into Noah's arms.

Noah staggered a little, not expecting that Maddie would come to him like that. But the moment she did, he lifted her up and gave her that attention. It wasn't like she was ever going to get it from her real dad.

"Do you want to watch Frozen?" Maddie asked eagerly.

"Oh, I would, but you've already started it," Noah said regretfully. "I've missed the beginning so that's too bad."

"Oh, don't worry," Sophie assured him, "Maddie knows how to work the DVD player. She can restart it for you, so you don't miss a thing." Sophie winked at him, and he gave her a very unimpressed look.

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