XXX. Song of Joy

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"If you spend your time hoping someone will suffer the consequences for what they did to your heart, then you're allowing them to hurt you a second time in your mind." Shannon L. Alder


XXX. Song of Joy

Regardless of the fact that she was not religious, Sophie really enjoyed attending Joy's church. She got a wonderful feeling of community and spirit, as well as overwhelming excitement for the holiday.

The Bentley family occupied an entire pew, and Joy seemed to be stopped by every second person to be kissed and wished a merry Christmas.

The church itself was modern with a large stage area for the preacher and the band, with several microphones on stands. There was seating enough for five hundred, and on Christmas Eve, it was standing room only.

Sophie sat in between Noah and Maddie for the sermon, but Noah disappeared as soon as the hymns were to start. Sophie could remember Noah telling her once that he had learned to play the piano in his mother's church, and she wondered if the piano in the corner beside the stage was that very instrument.

Sophie chose this moment to quickly fetch the noise cancelling headphones that she had brought for Maddie to use on the plane from her bag. She didn't really know the extent of Maddie's sensory sensitivities, or if it was just a reaction to her new environment, but she didn't want the sudden music to be overwhelming for her.

Noah made his way down the right-hand aisle to sit down at the piano and Vanessa jogged up onto the stage.

Sophie gasped as she hadn't even noticed Vanessa leave her seat with Noah. There was very brief applause and a murmur of excitement within the congregation when they saw her, but Vanessa held up her hand to stop them.

"When I sing in this church, I don't do it for praise, but I do it so He can hear me," Vanessa said into the microphone, holding her hand over her heart. "I asked our pastor before the service if I could sing this song to you all. It's my favourite song to sing at Christmas, and it's especially important to me and my family right now." Vanessa smiled knowingly. "Can you please turn to page twenty-three, "Song of Joy"?"

Sophie grinned as she fetched the book of Christmas hymns from the pew in front of her and flipped to the carol.

The orchestra made up of high school aged musicians, as well as Noah on the piano, began to play a tune that Sophie immediately recognised as Beethoven's Ode to Joy.

Vanessa pulled her microphone off the stand and began to sing.

"Come, sing a song of joy
For peace shall come, my brother
Sing, sing a song of joy
For men shall love each other

That day will dawn just as sure
As hearts that are pure
Are hearts set free
No man must stand along
With outstretched hands before him

Reach out and take them in yours
With love that endures
Forever more
Then sing a song of joy
For love and understanding."

Sophie had heard Vanessa sing hundreds of times on television, on the radio, on YouTube, but she'd never heard her live before. She was floored at the crystal-clear power she projected with ease right up into the church rafters. She walked across the stage like a seasoned pro, smiling and engaging with every audience member as though she was speaking directly to them.

People stood in the pews, singing along with her, and Sophie happily joined in. Joy had shuffled along the pew to be standing beside her in Noah's absence, and she sang loudly and cheerfully, too, taking Sophie's hand and swaying with her as they did.

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