Chapter 1 ☀ News

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Chapter 1 - News

Khoeli huffed, pushing another strand of silver-white hair out of her face. She'd hastily put up her ponytail earlier, excited about what the day could bring.

Trying to not let the hair bother her, she refocused on the target in front of her. But when she blinked, the target was gone.

"C'mon Felix..." she growled under her breath. "I know you're playing with me. Put the damn target back."

A few leaves rustled above her. As soon as her ears caught the noise, she registered it and aimed her bow upwards. Stretching the string up to her cheek, she waited.

Khoeli! Put that bow away right now!

Slinging the bow behind her back, she asked with a light smile, "What bow?"

Brother Micah did not look pleased.

Letting her own smile drop, she withdrew the bow from her back.

He cocked an eyebrow.

"Do I have to?" she whined.

He raised his eyebrow higher.

"Fine." She handed it over carelessly. "You know, it's really no fun when you guys stop talking for no reason."

He frowned at her.

"Yeah it's for some sacred holiday or something but you guys do this way more often than necessary. Just admit it. And it's so unfair too. I can't speak through my mind like you guys can."

She didn't know it was possible, but he managed to frown even further. His eyebrows disappeared into his hairline. Well, they would have disappeared, if he had hair there.

Deciding to test his silence, she waggled her fingers in front of her instructor's face. "Brother Micah..." she sang. "C'mon! Talk to me!"

Nothing. If anything, he looked even more blank now. Emotionless.

Deciding a little show was in order, she started

But when she looked closer, she could've sworn he held back a twitch.

She quickly racked her brain on how she could get this Brother to break. This week was their Week of Silence. The Brothers weren't allowed to have any physical contact with anyone, nor were they allowed to speak out loud. It was supposed to train them on how to reign in their feelings and connect back with nature. They did it once a month.

Well, they were supposed to. But she caused a lot of mischief and they tried to make up for it by extending the Week of Silence.

Enough, you impertinent child, came the voice of Brother Michael. We've restarted our Week of Silence three times now this month because of you. Leave Brother Micah alone. None of us are currently obligated to speak to you - in fact, this mental-speak I'm doing right now is only reserved for emergencies, not a child who can't bother to put her thoughts before her mouth. Do you really want us to stay silent forever?

She had been growing solemn, but when she imagined the grumpy monks staying quiet forever, she couldn't help but laugh.

Tsk. Child. She could hear the annoyance as he mind-spoke. Go, have fun with Felix, but do remember that the rest of us have a job to do and can't babysit you every day of every minute. And for heaven's sake, do not even think about grabbing another of your endless bows.

She frowned. How'd he know?

She felt his mind leave hers. Relieved to have gotten nothing more than a tongue-thrashing (or mind-thrashing), she skipped off on her merry way, whistling a tune she'd heard the birds singing that morning.

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