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Jack's POV

"I'm not upset that our pitch worked, but I really don't want to have to actually dress up for work." Mark said to me as we walked into Worldwide Fitness' corporate building.

"We won't be here for long anyways." I responded while buttoning up my suit. He was right though, we usually had more of a casual dress code at our office.

Since we'll be working with this company for the next few months, the two people we gave the pitch to, Sadie and Ryan, will be giving us a tour of where they work.

We spotted them by the front desk and so we greeted them with smiles and handshakes.

"You two look great," Sadie said, "perfect attire for this place. I think you'll fit right in." She nodded with a kind smile.

She began to lead us around along with Ryan, and Mark nudged me, giving me the look.

I rolled my eyes at him and looked around the building. It was huge and constructed of mostly glass, letting all of the sunlight flow into the building. I could get used to working here.

As Mark sparked up a conversation with Ryan, asking questions, Sadie decided it would be appropriate to start our own little conversation.

"So, are you excited about the new contract?" She asked, while slowing down to walk beside me.

"Yeah, I think this will be a great experience."

"You never contacted me after you gave me your pitch." She brought up.

"Oh, yeah. I gave Mark the card you gave me cause he usually handles the communication aspect of it." I lied.

"Oh, well, I want to stay in touch with the both of you guys since we'll all be working together. I can give you another one when the tour is over." She shrugged her shoulders.

"Should I get one from Ryan too?" I asked.

"Yeah, you can do that. I usually handle most of the communication though." She joked.

"Since you two are here for marketing, you'll most likely stay in this part of the building." Ryan said as he opened up a glass door for us and motioned for us to go ahead.

It looked more like a collaborative work space than anything else. I really liked it.


At the end of our tour, before Mark and I left, I was stopped by Sadie.

"Jack, here's my card." She held it out for me and I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Thank you. I'll make sure to hold onto this." I said then turned around and followed Mark out of the building.

He looked back at me and saw the card in my hand then laughed.

"You have a fan, my friend." He said while still laughing.

"Shut the fuck up." I shook my head.

"At least she's hot." He shrugged.

"Don't say that." I looked up at him.

No Escape | Book 2 of PossessiveWhere stories live. Discover now