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Jack's POV

I sat there at a table with the rest of my colleagues, including Sadie, waiting for Ryan to show up. He claimed to have big news for all of us and wanted to meet us in the collaborative area.

I tapped my foot as I anxiously waited for him to show up because I have the worst headache, and just want to finish up with work so I can go home

I could feel the awkward tension between Sadie and I, and it's been like this all day. I really hate it but I've realized she's just not someone I would want to be that close with anyways.

"I'm so sorry for running late," Ryan walked through the glass doors of the collaborative area "So, as everyone should know, in your contracts it states that there would be a few opportunities to travel regarding work related reasons of course, and now is the time. Our team will be going to Las Vegas for a small western conference."

I let out a slight groan as everyone else let out satisfied cheers, and I slumped back in my seat, realizing who I'd have to go on this trip with.

I looked up to see everyone smiling when my eyes met Sadie's. Her gaze quickly shot past me as she tried to make it look like she wasn't staring at me. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"How long will we be there for?" I asked Ryan who was walking over to sit down next to Sadie.

"From Tuesday morning to Thursday evening." He sat down "And of course, all of the financial fees such as the hotel and plane tickets will be taken care of, but if you want to gamble or buy drinks off of the clock, that's your paycheck." He stated.

I looked back up at Sadie who wasn't paying me any mind, but was trying to hide the small smirk on her face and I couldn't help but to roll my eyes.

Gabby's POV

I sat at my desk and just aimlessly scrolled through cases that were being requested seeing as though Ms. Neil is being wishy washy right now.

This has to be the most boring part of my job though and I always hate this process.

As I was slightly starting to doze off, an email notification popped up on the top-right corner of my screen.

I clicked on it and it was from Ms. Neil.

It read,

"Good morning Gabrielle,

I just wanted to let you know that I will be out of town for the next couple of weeks. I'd like to get away for a while and take a break from all of the legal disputes regarding my divorce. Thank you so much for all of the help!"

None of this felt right at all. In our last meeting, she seemed like she was ready to get all of this
Over with, not like she wanted to just avoid it.

On Friday, she sent me a thread of threats and evidence against her husband that could win her case, and now she wants to give up.

She also never answered back to the email I sent her, asking her if she was ok.

I decided sending her another email back would be my best option, so I restated the email I sent on Friday along with asking her about this supposed trip.

"Good Morning Ms. Neil,

It's good to know that you're taking care of your mental health, but as your attorney, I must advise you to take this all to court immediately. You have the evidence needed to win your case and this can all be over very soon. Are you doing ok? I have not seen you in a long time and you never responded to The last email I sent you. Please contact me as soon as possible."

No Escape | Book 2 of PossessiveWhere stories live. Discover now