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I anxiously tapped my heel on the hardwood floor as I waited for Sadie in her office.

Of course, the one day she doesn't want to bug me and has a schedule full of meetings is the day I need to talk to her.

I've been waiting in her office for about twenty minutes now, and it started to get a little hot so I decided to take my blazer off and get comfortable since it seems like I'll be here for a while.

My phone buzzed in my pants pocket, indicating that I got a text so I took my phone out of my pocket.

I see you're in Sadie's office. Is everything good?- Mark

It's a long story. I'll tell you tomorrow.- Jack

"Jack?" Sadie asked as she entered the office "What are you doing here?"

"I really need to talk to you—"

"Yeah, I heard about your little run-in with Dylan at the grocery store. Why would you tell him about the plan?" She sounded annoyed.

"Because I'm married, Sadie." I reminded her as I stood up.

"Jack, I know that. You don't have to keep reminding me, but that made me look like a liar." She rolled her eyes as she sat down at her desk.

"I mean, you technically did lie anyways." She gave me an annoyed glance.

"The truth would have eventually gotten out, and I can't even afford to go deeper into that lie."

"I don't care anymore, Jack. Just leave it alone." She mumbled as she filled out some papers on her desk.

"Anyways, the reason I wanted to talk to you is just to address our friendship. I know we're just friends and none of this meant any harm, but what happened yesterday make my wife uncomfortable, so I can't do any of this anymore. I'd love to keep a healthy relationship with you and Ryan along with the rest of the team. And I'm sure Mark would be more than happy to help you with your boyfriend troubles, but I can't," I noticed that she stopped writing but was still focused on the paper.

"I really hope this won't affect our communication for work or create any animosity—"

"Get out." She said, bluntly while continuing what she was doing.

"What? Sadie—"

"Get out! Now!" She raised her voice while looking up at me.

I let out a sigh and turned around to leave.

It really did suck to do, but maybe Gabby and Mark were right. Something did seem a little off about the way she interacted with me and not everyone else.

I left the building and went out to my car, then headed on home.

Not even half of the way home, I realized that I had left my jacket in Sadie's office, so I got on the nearest exit to get off of the highway.

Sadie's POV

As I grabbed my purse and pushed in my office chair, I saw Jack's navy blue blazer sitting on the small sofa in my office.

I walked over and picked it up, then just admired it while contemplating what I should do with it. I could smell his cologne from where it was, but it was a refreshing smell so I wasn't even upset about it.

I thought about the conversation we just had before I kicked him out of my office, then immediately felt bad.

He's such a nice, sweet guy. I shouldnt have responded the way I did, but all of the talk about his wife was getting annoying.

No Escape | Book 2 of PossessiveWhere stories live. Discover now